Log Nineteen: THE APOLOGY

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New Year's Day

7:40 pm

Dear Diary

"Where have you been?"

"Making phone calls in the bathroom—powder room."

"What?" He wore a mixed expression of confusion and surprise. "Why?"

"That's what you asked of me...sir." I threw him a brief confrontational gaze before looking away. "Is there anything else you want me to do sir? Cos I'll like to continue making the phone calls as I've still got a long way to go and limited time too."

"Are you always like this?" He asked with another mixture of curiosity and irritation.

"Like how sir?"

"Like THIS!," he gestured at me, "so, sharply mouthed and manipulative with words."

"Haba!—I mean, how sir? What have I done to deserve such judgment?"

"Jesus Christ!" He groaned inwardly. "You are annoying, and if you didn't come highly recommended I'd have had no trouble letting you go."

"I'm sorry sir," I gave him a secondary school apology with the hands sliding down the back of my skirt style and even I could taste the sarcasm that emanated from my action. "Is there anything you need sir?" I asked when the silence between us got deafening.

"My mother wanted me to tender an apology for the way I treated you."


"I was clear".

"Okay sir; then you can also tell her that I've forgiven you."


"Nothing sir." I tightened my lips and averted my gaze away from his.

"Let me know when you decide to leave".

"Now sir—I want to leave now sir."

"Why? The party only just started."

"But I don't feel welcomed here sir, besides, I've got a lot of phone calls to make."

"I already apologized for my misconduct—I got personal and blamed you for something that clearly wasn't your intention—and about the calls, you can take them here too—I might still need you for another hour or two."

"Koburu—I mean, okay sir."

He gave me a warning look before shaking his head as he walked away.

To be honest Bebi, I'm confused. Why is he taking all my rubbish—I mean, I'd have fired me a long time ago. Something isn't adding up here and I either find it out or I'm out of here by the end of the week.

Thank you!
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