Log Four: LAGOS AND TRAFFIC =5 & 6

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New Year's Day

8:30 am

Dear Diary

When are we going to talk about relocating out of this trenches?

Yes, Lagos!

The system has found it's way into conditioning us into a state of necessary "suffering and smiling"yet the people won't allow us to suffer in peace.

Imagine sitting in a position, next to a fishmonger—scratch that—fishmongers because right now I feel like Jesus with the two thieves on his left and right hand.

It's 8:30 and I don't even know if I still have the job or not or if I'm just wasting my transport money.

I've tried spamming the company people with emails about how my father had an attack that resulted from too much prayer and how that might be a hindrance to me resuming at the required time, but I've gotten nothing in response and having that pressure combined with the smell of fish left and right is making me a little crazier than I am.

I can't do this anymore, Bebi.

Guess I'll just come down and mount a bike.

"Conductor! My change, I'm over this." I said and watched as everyone in the bus turned to look at me like I'd confessed to being North West. "I don tire, I one come dan." I sighed and retracted my words, blaming myself for constantly forgetting that I stayed deep in the trenches.

I have to go, I'm seeing the conductor count 250 change when he should be giving me 300 Naira.

Bye for now, Bebi
The fish-smelly girl, Shaniqua

Thank you!
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Diary of the Crazy Shaniqua Bello Where stories live. Discover now