Log Thirty-five: CALL GIRL

29 26 0



9:50 am

Dear, Diary

I've spent the last couple of hours living my lifelong dream of being Cinderella and the cruel stepmother in this case has been none other than my freaking immature Boss!

God, I want to smash his head right now!

"You have 2 more hours until you're done with that phone book... Call the company videographer and photographer and ask them to stay on standby!... Direct all Sharon Ooja's email to me—what do you mean by that's not your job description—then tell the damned desk secretary and rid me of your bullocks!... Shaniqua, I need the logistics company to pick up new equipment from the airport...Shaniqua where are they right now?... Shaniqua where am I supposed to be in the next 2 hours?... Shaniqua did you receive a call from Yemi Alade's management?... Shaniqua, I need a glass of milk...Shaniqua are you done with the calls?"

"I'm afraid that is both absurd and impossible sir," I sighed frustratedly in response, ignoring his slow turn at me. If I die I die, And if I perish then I perish—I wasn't going to let me overwork me for chicken change.

"What did you just say to me?"

"I said your question is near to impossible and completely absurd and I'll also like to tender my resignation at this point—I cannot come and die."

"Go, Shaniqua!" I felt my inner self leap for joy.

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear that last part, and why haven't you made the calls?"

"I'll rephrase that last part after answering your question. You've been killing me with too much work, am I your maid? And that's why I want to resign,"



"Sir?" I blinked out of my fantasy.

"I asked if you're done with the calls?" He squinted his eyes.

"Almost done sir," I sighed.

"Get right to it, we have got a business meeting in the next 2 hours—cancel all calls and hold anything until then, I need to rest."

Did you hear that Bebi? He needs to rest. Oloriburuku oshi.

I threw him a deadly smile and dragged myself out of his office.

I have to make the phone calls now, TTYL.

The tired Shaniqua

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