Log Forty-four: RAKING

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3:35 pm

Dear, Diary

My father's younger brother used to live with us when we were little kids, we called him Papa, but his real name was Brother Bodunrin.

He was a nuisance, and even we as little kids knew this well.

Bodunrin would always go and steal people's memory cards and chargers and he was always so foolish enough to be caught every single time, like why will you even go to steal in the exact same place they caught you twice?

Let me not digress too much, dad was tall, but his younger brother was taller but that didn't matter for dad was stronger than strong, all he had to do to bring his younger brother down when he got furious and tried to discipline him was what we called: RAKING.

It basically entails cutting someone's leg or legs—in the case of my father—off with the use of your own legs when they least expected it and THAT, Is exactly what I did to the ex Bebi, I raked her life up with all the anger and strength I got from my father.

"Please are you giving birth there?" This is from the woman waiting for me to come out.

"No o, I'm writing in my diary!" I confessed but she'd never believe or would she?

Let me quickly clean up; I'm coming.


Thank you!
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