Log Fifty-five: SENSELESS

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5:23 am

Dear, Diary

I woke up this morning earlier than the alarm did and for the first time in a couple of years, I prayed.

I stopped praying when I lost my Dad. He believed so much in prayer and his belief radiated all over our home so much that it became almost impossible to in any other God but when I watched the doctor walk into the room to inform us of his passing, it felt as if my belief in God died with him on that particular day.

Buy I prayed today anyway.

I prayed for sense. A whole lot of it, because how could I have been sad because of an ordinary so much that I forgot about the amazing time I spent with an even better man and began to dwell on the fact that...you see I'm talking in the nonsense again.

I prayed for sense and that's that. Now I'll get ready for work.

Pray for me too or you'll end up suffering for my lack of sense because it's you that'll be hearing about all my nonsense.

Bye for now.

Shaniqua the senseless girl.

Thank you!
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