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Today I'm going to the doctor for my seven-and-a-half-month checkup. Sodapop and Laney are coming with me. I've been getting Braxton Hick's contractions more often. Sometimes they even wake me when I'm asleep. 

"Sodapop, I'll be in the car. Hurry up." I yelled. Sodapop was upstairs in our bathroom combing his hair. Laney came running to me, holding my hand. "I haven't ever seen the babies before. I just see them in the pictures!" Laney exclaimed as I buckled her in the back. 

Soda came running out of the house, his left shoe in his hand. "You're a mess." I joked. Sodapop rolled his eyes playfully. "Just start the car," Soda said as he put his shoe on. 

"When we get back can we get Mcdonald's?" Laney asked. They just put one in the middle of the Greaser vs Soc rivalry. "Yes, but we're going through the drive-thru," I replied, Laney, nodded her head. 

We checked in the familiar OBGYN's office and waited for Dr. Burnham to bring me in. "Sydney Winston?" She called. I walked back into a room, Sodapop and Laney following. 

"Today will be just a checkup, you look very healthy." Dr. Burnham said as she started writing on her clipboard. 

I rolled up my shirt and she squirted the cold jelly on my stomach. Dr.Burnham used the tool and rubbed around, I saw my babies on the screen again. "They are so small!" Laney cooed, holding my hand. 

"There's baby A," She said, pointing to a lower baby, "and baby B." She said, pointing to the baby up higher. 

"The babies look healthy." Dr. Burnham stated. "I've been more nauseous, and I've been getting Braxton Hick's contraction very often," I said as I wiped the goo off my belly and rolled down my shirt. 

"How big are they?" I asked. "They are both about seventeen inches from head to heel." dr. Burnham explained. I nodded my head, "We don't want to see you until your due date, or until your water breaks." She added. 

After getting home, and getting a little Mcdonald's, I decided to make dinner. We were all still hungry. I made some simple lasagna. After putting the food in the oven, I got a call.

"Hello?" I answered. "Is this someone in relation to Dallas Tucker Winston?" A lady asked. "Yes, ma'am. Is he alright?" I asked, getting a little worried. "Yes, he's fine. Dallas is here at the jailhouse, we need him to be picked up now, or he'll have to stay here for the rest of 1985." The lady explained. 

"Fuck. Okay, I'm coming to get him." I said, hanging up the phone and putting on a jacket. "Where are you going in such a rush?" Sodapop asked coming out of the bathroom. "Dallas is in jail again. Just keep an eye on Laney and take out the lasagna in fifteen minutes if I'm not back by then, alright?" I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

"I will, be careful," Sodapop called from behind me as I shut the door. 

I hop into my car and put my seatbelt on. Dallas was doing so good with not being in jail. He hasn't since that one night when I flipped on him and waited all night for him to come to the Curtis house. 

As I pulled into the jailhouse, I braced myself. "Try not to flip on him, Sydney," I said to myself. I grabbed my wallet for the bail and walked inside. 

"I'm here for Dallas Winston?" I said to the lady at the front desk. "Yes, bail is set at $120." The lady said. I handed her the money, "Cell 402." I nodded my head and walked into the hallway, an Officer escorting me. The officer unlocked his cell and Dallas walked out. 

"Why did you go to jail? Huh? Was it fun? Dallas, I'm sick and tired of this shit. Please just be fucking responsible," I yelled,  "You're going to have a niece and a nephew, Dallas! You're going to be an uncle, and I cannot, I will not have this shit around my kids." 

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