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As I walked out, I heard Soda calling for me. "Come on, Pony, let's go check on Johnny."

Soon, we made it to Bucks. We walked in and walked to mine and Dally's room. As we opened the door, we saw what we had expected.

Johnny was laying on my bed with a thin blue sheet covering the lower half of him, you could see Dally's sweatpants poking out of the corner. He had a cup of water in his hand and an apple that's only been bitten into twice that was on the side table.

I sat on the bed, while tears dared to spill. "What's the matter, Syd?" Johnny asked. Apparently, he could see my lip quivering which I tried desperately not to show.

I couldn't look at Johnny, I knew if I did, I would cry immediately.

"Soda...Sandy." I croaked out, still averting my eyes from both Johnny and Ponyboy.

I heard Johnny sigh and I could tell he had that sorrowful expression on his face, that could make anybody as tough as Dallas Winston sniffle.

Johnny hugged me tighter and accepted that I wouldn't look at him. "You deserve better, I'm sorry. He'll regret that one day." Johnny said.

I turned to Johnny and smiled at him as I put my head on his shoulder. Ponyboy soon came over and we all cuddled and talked on the bed.

We eventually fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of the door opening and Dally sitting on a bean bag we had in our room. I'm a very light sleeper.

"Dal?" I asked, looking at him. "Yes?"

"What'd you do?" I said as I examined the small spots of blood on his knuckles.

"Gave Sodapop what he was asking for."

I giggled a bit before soon falling back to sleep again. I wonder what Darry would think about what Dally did.

Soon I woke up to a loud thump and a groan. I looked over to see Johnny wasn't on the bed anymore, but laying on the floor, rubbing his head.

"Are you okay?" I said before extending my hand to him.

"Yeah. You pushed me off the bed. God, you sleep like a crazy woman." Johnny said while grabbing my hand. I giggled before getting up to go downstairs to steal a waffle from Buck's freezer.

I successfully stole one after putting it in the toaster and ran back up the stairs, plopping myself by Dally.

"Hey, Dal. I wanna go find trouble." I said biting into my waffle. "Yeah?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I can tag along too," Johnny said as he sat up. "Now Ponyboy, you go on home. We can't have you thrown in a boys' home. That's all Darry goes on about." Dallas said.

Pony nodded sadly, "Maybe some other time, Pone." I said smiling at him. He gave me a smile and walked out, presumably to his house.

We followed not long after, except not to his house. We're going to find something else to do.

"Hey, Dal. What about he go to the drive-in?" Johnny recommended. "That seems like an alright idea." Dally nodded, tossing his cigarette.

I slid under the broken fence after Johnny and Dally had. We walked behind the concession stand and sat in some seats by this redhead girl I knew. Her name was Sherri Valance, but everyone calls her Cherry because of her hair.

Dallas put his feet on the back of her chair. She tried not to pay attention.

Dally went close behind her and tried to light his cigarette. "Dallas, put that down. You've had enough today." I said, he was getting awful close to her hair. "I'll smoke as many cancer sticks as I want, little lady." He said, putting his lighter in his pocket.

Dally started talking to Cherry. He was asking if her hair was real. But he began to imply something else. "Will you be nice and leave us alone!" Cherry yelled, shaking her head.

"I'm never nice." He replied smirking. That made me laugh. Never nice my ass. Dallas snapped his head to me. "What are laughing about kid."

"You. 'I'm never nice'. That's a straight-out lie." I laughed. He rolled his eyes. "Get out of here. Go get me a coke." He said pushing me out of my seat.

I stumbled into the walkway and people started to tell me to go sit down. "Son of a bitch." I mumbled.

I walked to the line of the concession stand. A soc was fighting with Tim. "Cut that out!" The man at the concession stands said. The boys didn't pay attention to the man as he grumbled and went to the back.

"Tim, will you just let it go?" One of Tim's friends asked who I knew as Patrick. "Yeah, listen to Patrick." The soc said. I didn't know who he was.

Tim threw a punch that resulted in the soc getting thrown back, landing on me. I felt the blade in his hand slide across my leg, tearing into my skin.

"What the hell, man?" I yelled, pushing the soc off me. I looked at my leg and it began to drip blood. I pressed my hand on my leg to try to stop the bleeding.

The soc looked at me on the ground and took it as a chance to run. "Shit. This isn't over, Matthew." Tim yelled as the cops pulled up.

A male officer stepped out of his car and handcuffed Tim. "Hello again, Shepard." The officer said, looking at me. "Get the girl too." He said, taking Tim back to his car.

"What did I do?" I yelled as another officer picked me up. He put his hand on my lower back and the other hand on both my hands behind me.

"Hey, can you bring your hand up a little?" I asked. I didn't like how low his hand was. He ignored me. Of course, he would.

Well, I guess I'm going to jail.

The officer threw me into a gross jail cell with a younger man in it. He looked like he was around 20. I sat down by the front of the cell, keeping my distance.

Another officer came to get me and put me in front of a phone. "Make your call." He said, gesturing to the phone.

Who would I call? I can call Dallas. He doesn't have shit to bail me out with. Darry? No, he's got enough going on. Two-bit? No, he's probably black-out drunk. Johnny's poor. Ponyboy and Sodapop are immediately a no. Steve is left.

I picked up the phone and dialed Steve's number, I hope he's home. Someone picked up, "Hello?" The voice asked, I knew it was Steve. "Hey, Steve. It's Sydney. I'm in jail. Will you come to get me?" I asked, biting my nails.

I heard mumbling in the back. "Alright. I'm coming." He said. "Thank you, Steve," I said before the line went dead.

"Someone's coming to get me," I said, and I slumped down into a seat. The officer nodded and walked away. He's friendly.

I waited for what seemed like forever. The same officer came and yanked me out of my seat by my arm. "Ow! Why the hell are you so aggressive." I remarked, making him look my way rudely. Alright then.

He took to the front desk where Steve was. "Come on." He said, grabbing my hand. We walked out to his beat-up truck and I plopped in the passenger seat. "How much was bail?" I asked. "It was only ten dollars. They knew you didn't do anything but they were being selfish dicks." Steve said, turning on his truck.

"I don't think I've ever heard you cuss." I joked. Steve laughed. "Yeah, well I've heard you." He replied. "I'm sorry for what Sodapop did. It wasn't cool." Steve said as he drove.

"I guess we weren't really official," I mumbled. I suddenly had an idea.

What if Steve and I fake dated? I could maybe catch the attention of Sodapop. Would that be a total dick move though?

"It would be a dick move. But it seems like a good idea." Steve said. "Huh?" I asked, had I spoken out loud. "Well, you didn't exactly think. You kind of just said it." Steve said laughing. I face palmed.

"What do you think about it?" I asked as he pulled into Bucks. "It's fine with me if it's alright with you." Steve agreed. "Okay. Then pick me up tomorrow afternoon so we can go to the Curtis house." I smiled as I hopped out of his truck. "Will do," Steve said, tipping a fake hat.

Well, I guess Steve Randle is my fake, temporary boyfriend.  

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