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A week ago today was the day I found out I was pregnant. Sodapop and Evie convinced me to go to the doctor's, so that's where I and Sodapop are going today.

"Sodapop, nobody cares about your hair, we have to get to the doctor or we'll be late!" I said, slamming open the door of the bathroom. "I'm coming!" Sodapop groaned, putting down his hair comb.

I ran out to the car and Soda followed. "Be careful." Sodapop said, starting the car. "Soda, baby, I appreciate the concern, but I'm not even two and a half months pregnant yet," I said, laughing.

The drive to the OBGYN was horrible. Sodapop continued to go over speed bumps making me jump in the air. "You tell me to be careful, but you're driving like a lunatic!" I exclaimed as he hit another speed bump.

"I'm sorry," He said while laughing and placing his hand on my stomach. We made it to the doctor's office safely, thankfully. We walked in and Sodapop went up to the lady at the front desk while I sat in a chair.

I looked around me. Man, were there a few pregnant ladies. Some had kids already, some were crying, and some were reading. I looked at my stomach. There wasn't a bump yet, but I swear I got butterflies every time I thought of the baby.

Sodapop came and sat down next to me. "After this, we should get food." Soda said, rubbing his belly. I nodded my head while laughing. After waiting for forty-five minutes, it was our turn.

We followed the doctor into a room with a sonogram thing in it. I lay on the bed covered in plastic and the lady squirted blue jelly on my stomach.

"Today we'll find out how many weeks you are, we'll find the heartbeat, and we'll give you information about your new addition." The doctor smiled. I nodded my head and look at the screen as she rubbed my stomach with a tool that connected to the screen.

As she looked into the screen, her eyes widened. I got nervous. "What? Is something wrong?" I said, looking into the screen. She smiled.

"No, everything's just fine. You're having twins!" She exclaimed. "What?" I said, smiling. "Yes, there's baby A," She pointed to a little blob, "and there's baby B!" she said, pointing to another one.

"Sydney, we're having two babies! That's two mini Sodapop's and Sydney's!" Soda said while kissing my forehead.

"How long until you can tell the gender?" I asked. "We'll have to wait a few more weeks. We can do it when you're 14 weeks. That's just seven more weeks." She said. "Right now it looks like you are 7 1/2 weeks pregnant." She smiled.

"Also, experts in our building say the babies can feel the same emotional pain the mother can, and the same intensity. The babies can hear your voice, mom. And when they are a little older, they can tell who is touching your belly by their hand. You need to not be under stress, and you need to get emotionally and physically ready for the baby."

"Dad, Sydney will need your help throughout the pregnancy with worrying, sickness, and pains. Also, it's just as important for you to get ready for the baby, not physically, as the mom, but just as much emotionally." I and Sodapop both nodded to show we understand.

I looked closely into the screen, "That's amazing. I've always wanted a boy and a girl." I smiled at Sodapop. "I bet the boy will be just as handsome as me, and the girl will be just as pretty and brave as you."

"You're cute, but when will we tell the gang?" I asked. "When we get home, we get a card for everyone at a convenience store." Sodapop suggested. I nodded, "How big are they?" I asked the lady.

"Well, they are both the size of small blueberries."

"I have blueberries in me!" I giggled at Sodapop. "I know, honey," Sodapop said, kissing me. "Can I just say, you two are one of the cutest couples I've ever seen? These two babies will have the most amazing parents." She older lady gushed. "Thank you, Ms." I smiled, sitting up to hug her.

She gladly excepted the hug and wiped the jelly off my stomach. "I'll let you two have a moment, you may leave whenever you are ready." She said while leaving.

"You know that I look at it, I think I can see a little bump," I joked. Sodapop looked closely, "You can! Look, it's very down low." He said, pointing to my lower belly. I looked down and saw the smallest bump. "Yeah, yeah I see it," I said, tearing up.

"Sodapop, we're having two little babies." I smiled up at him. "We sure are." He chuckled.

We left the doctor and went to a small store on the corner. "How many cards will we get?" I asked. "1...2...7!" Sodapop replied smiling. "Okay," I said laughing.

We went inside and got seven cards that had a stork carrying a baby. We all know that's not how these two were made. When we got to the car, I made an announcement to Sodapop. "Sodapop, you can help, but I will be writing these, I'm sorry honey, but your writing isn't the best," I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "That's probably best."

"They all say similar things," I said as we walked into the Curtis house. "I want each one of you to read yours aloud. But do it one at a time." I exclaimed. "Johnny, go!" I said, and Johnny unwrapped his card.

"Dear Johnny, we hope our kids have your caring nature, will you do the honor of being the baby's god-uncle?" He read, "Yeah! I'd love to, thank you, guys." He said, getting up to hug us. "Two-bit?" I said.

"Dear Two-bit, we hope our babies will have the same hilarious charm as you, be the god-uncle?" He read. "Of course!" He said, jumping up and coming to my belly, "you better like mickey mouse." He joked, hugging me. I laughed, "Ponyboy?"

"Dear Ponyboy, we hope our babies are just as smart as you, you better want to be a real uncle, or we'll just have to give your place to another person," Ponyboy read and laughed. "I do want to be a real uncle," He joked and hugged both Sodapop and me. "Darry?"

Darry sat up in his chair, "Dear Darry, I want our babies to be just as strong and helpful as you are, we need you to be a real uncle, emphasize the need." He read and laughed, "I'll be here whenever you need me," He said and hugged me, patting Sodapop on the back. "Steve?"

"Dear Steve, of course being Sodapop's best friend, you have to be the godfather. We hope our babies are as cool as you are." He read, "I will totally ace this godfather position." He said confidently, making the gang laugh. "Evie." I smiled.

"Dear Evie, this could be the longest one. I want to thank you for being here for me when Sodapop was in doubt, you have never failed me. I want you to be our baby's Godmother. Evie, I want our babies to be as caring, sweet, beautiful, brave, and really every characteristic you have." She read, "Awh, Sydney, I love you!" She said running to me and hugging me tightly.

"Now, Dallas Winston, my dear brother. Read yours." I joked.

"Dear Dallas, we want our babies to be as tough and as brave as you have ever been. You too have always been there for me, and we want you to be the cool uncle. I and Sodapop thought this would be the perfect opportunity to tell you and the gang, that we aren't having a baby, we're having two! We're having twins!" Dallas read, by the time he was done, he was smiling.

"Is that a rare Dallas Winton smile?" I asked, laughing. "Oh shut it." He said coming and hugging me.

"Two whole babies? That's gonna be hard." Ponyboy said, earning a smack on the head from Johnny. "Ow?"

"Yeah, it will be really hard. I'm going to look like a flat mushroom and I'll be fat, and my body will be in total pain for the next seven months, and then for two months after birth. I will be sleep-deprived, and I'll cry-" I said, being cut off by myself. "Sorry, I'm just not ready for what's going to happen, but it'll all be worth it. I'll have two little babies to be with me my whole life. To be with us." I said, wiping tears.

"I'm crying again. What the fuck?" I yelled. "It's okay, just breath," Evie said looking at me, trying not to laugh. But her trying not to laugh just made me laugh.

"I feel bad for you, Sodapop. She going to be so very hormonal." Evie said, laughing as I busted out laughing. "I think she already is." Sodapop laughed.

"Do you have a bump yet?" Johnny asked. "A little one. It's little, but it's there." I said, lifting my shirt up.

"I see it!" "Wow" Words erupted from all over the room. "Can you feel anything yet?" Two-bit asked.

"Not really, I'm not even sure they can move yet, but every time I think of them I get butterflies," I said, smiling. "That's so cute!" Evie gushed, making me giggle.

Soulmates // Sodapop Curtisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें