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Today was the day I will tell Sodapop I'm pregnant with his baby. Unlike someone, we all know. I hope he doesn't think it's not his.

I stopped at a pay phone to call the Curtis house. I popped in a quarter and dialed their number. "918-867-5309" I mumbled under my breath.

The phone rang a couple of times before Darry picked it up. "Curtis residence," He said. "Hi, Darry, it's Sydney. Can I talk to Soda?" I asked. "Yeah, hold on." He said before calling Sodapop over. "Who's this?" He asked. "It's Sydney, listen will you meet me at the lot in five minutes?" I asked. "Yeah, see you then." Sodapop said and hung up.

The lot was a block down so I quickly walked. By the time I got there, Sodapop was sitting on a bench. "Hiya, Sodapop," I said, smiling at him. "Hey, Sydney," Sodapop said, getting up to kiss me. "What did you need?" He said as he sat back down. I frowned, "I need to talk to you."

His smile immediately faltered. "About what? Do you want to break up with me?" Sodapop asked. "No! No, that's not it at all." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Then what is it?"

"Sodapop..." I said. I didn't know how to get the words out. "Yes?" He asked, looking at me worriedly. "I love you a lot, and I want you to always be here for me, no matter what. Please tell me you'll be here no matter what I say." I said breathing heavily.

"Of course. I'll be here no matter what." He said, looking at me.

"Sodapop, I'm pregnant. It's yours." I said, looking at his face for any kind of movement. But he didn't move, he just looked at me. "When did you find out?" He asked, his face turning serious. "Today. Evie was with me." I said, looking down.

"We only did it once! How could you possibly get pregnant, huh? Especially since you were a fucking virgin!" Sodapop yelled. "I don't know, Sodapop, okay? If you forgot, it takes two people to make a baby." I said. "Of course, I know that." Sodapop sighed. "I don't have money for a baby." He complained.

"What makes you think I have money for a baby?" I questioned him. "I don't know! I just need time to think." He said, rubbing his temples.

"About what? You're the only person I've ever had sex with, I let you take my virginity! It's your baby! I'm going to be the one who's put through the pain! People are going to see me as irresponsible and as a whore. You might lose some of your popularity, but you'll be seen as the brave teenage dad. I'm going to be known as Dallas Winston's kid sister who had a teenage pregnancy with Sodapop Curtis! Sodapop, you just said you'd always be there for me, no matter what." I said, starting to cry for the millionth time.

"Just stop! Stop!" Sodapop yelled at me, making me flinch. "I just said that so you would tell me." I felt my heart break in two. "Really? Just to let me tell you? Well, you know what Sodapop Curtis? Fuck you! Fuck you! Stay away from me until you can be mature." I said and dropped one of the pregnancy tests in his lap and walked away to Bucks.

I can't fucking believe that he would do this. I was relying on him to be there for me. I wanted him to be there when I throw up in the mornings, when my ankles are swollen, when I am on bed rest. When I get a baby bump, and for the birth. But most of all, I want him to be here for me and the baby.

I opened the door to Bucks and fell on my bed, immediately crying my eyes out. The door opened to my room and Dallas was making out with some broad. "Can't you see someone's in here? Get the hell out!" I screamed.

My yelling made the girl stop and Dallas look at me annoyed. His face softened when he saw me balling. "Get out." He said to the girl. The girl shrugged and walked out.

"What's wrong?" Dallas said, playing with my hair. I got up and rummaged through my purse to find the test. I pulled it out and dropped it in his lap, laying back down with tears running down my face.

"You're pregnant? Who's baby is it?' Dallas said, raising his voice slightly. He was fuming, but he didn't want to make me cry anymore. "Sodapop's," I mumbled. "Have you told him?" He asked, putting the test back in my bag. I nodded. "Well, what did he say?" He asked.

"He basically told me that it wasn't his and he didn't know what to do," I said sniffling. Dallas grabbed me by my arm and dragged me downstairs to Buck's truck. "Where the hell are we going," I asked trying to get out, but he locked the doors. "The Curtis'." He said, driving angrily.

"No, Dallas. Please don't make me go!" I begged. Dally shook his head. Dallas drove like a mad man all the way to the Curtis household. He grabbed me by my arm, again and walked inside.

"Let me go!" I yelled, scratching his hand off me. "Not until I talk to Sodapop," Dally said. Everyone was looking at us. I began to cry even more. "Dally, please." I broke down crying. He blocked me out and went to Sodapop's room.

I sat on the couch profusely crying. "Sydney what's wrong?" Johnny asked. "Are you alright?" Ponyboy said. "Why are you crying?" Two-bit questioned. "I know you were with Evie the whole day, what happened?" Steve asked. "What's wrong and what is Dallas doing to Sodapop?" Darry asked.

"You guys will find out soon enough," I said, barely making out the sentence. Dallas dragged Sodapop out of his room roughly and started to yell at him.

"Why the fuck would you say that? Especially right after she told you she was pregnant?" Dallas lectured. All eyes went on me. Ponyboy stood up and stood between Dallas and Sodapop. "Kid, get out of my way," Dally said. Ponyboy ignored him and turned to Sodapop.

"Sydney's pregnant and you aren't happy or being with her through maybe one of the hardest times of her life?" Ponyboy asked. "And you say things to her, yet you told Sandy that you would still be with her after she told you she was pregnant and it wasn't yours? You even said you'd raise it as your own. I can't believe you're my brother." Pony snarled and slapped him across the face.

I was impressed with Ponyboy. We all know that Sodapop is his favorite person. And he just slapped him, because of me. Dally was laughing at Ponyboy and Darry had just stood up.

"You won't take care of your baby, but you'll offer to take care of a girl who cheated on you's child? I'm very disappointed in you, Sodapop." Darry shook his head. "Get your act together."

Sodapop walked toward me. "Sydney, I am so so sorry. I just didn't know what to do. I want to be here for the baby, and I really do love you. I want to be here for when you're sick, when you get a bump, for when the baby comes. I really want to be with you. I know no amount of sorry's are going to make you stop crying, but please accept my apology. I feel horrible." He said, crying.

"Are you sorry that you're being humiliated, or are you actually 100% sorry," I said looking into his eyes. "I am actually 100% sorry. Please forgive me." Sodapop begged. "I guess so. But if you dare hurt me again, I got a best friend who isn't beyond making you have no more children, and I have a gang that will make your life a hell." I said, smiling slightly at him.

Sodapop stood up and engulfed me in a hug and kissed me. "Hurt my kid sister like that again and I swear you'll wish-" Dallas began. "Dallas Winston. Stop that," I said turning back to Sodapop, "but use your imagination to finish the rest of that threat." 

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