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I'm using a modern pregnancy test because the ones if the 80s were complicated. They're like huge and a dropper and take like 2 hours? No thanks. A clear blue it is.

It's been two months since I got the piercings and tattoo, and had sex with Sodapop. Dallas was a little angry about the piercings and tattoo, but he was cool with it after a while. I've been throwing up lately, and I told Evie about it, today she's taking me to get a pregnancy test. I've never been this scared in my life.

If I am pregnant, I don't know how I would support the baby. I don't even know how I would tell anyone. What if Sodapop doesn't want it? What if Dallas kicks me out of a place we don't even own? What if I lose everyone who's important to me?

It's okay. Just stop overthinking. Everything will be just fine. I'm probably just sick.

I met Evie at the Dingo, where we usually meet up at. "We'll do the test at my house. My parents aren't home. If you are pregnant, I will be here every step of the way. You're like a sister to me, I love you." Evie smiled at me, taking my hands in hers.

"Are you ready to go get the test?" Evie asked. I nodded my head. "What if I am pregnant, and Dally kicks me out?" I questioned. I couldn't raise a baby on the streets. "You'll live with me! My parents love you," Evie smiled. I always was the friend who every parent always liked for some reason.

"Thank you, Evie. I don't know what I would do without you." I sighed. "You'd be lost." Evie joked. "Of course," I laughed.

Evie drove us to the convenience store in her Red 1968 BMW. I was nervous the whole way there. I mean, my life could change forever.

Evie pulled into the convenience store and I sat there. "Will you go in and get it for me?" I begged. "Yeah, but if anybody I know sees me, I'm telling." Evie joked but gave me a reassuring look when I gave her a worried face. "I'm kidding, I would never do that."

Evie walked and picked up two tests. She went to the register where an old woman was and paid. The lady said something, but I can't read her lips.

"What did that lady say?" I asked as soon as she got in the car. She gave me the sack of pregnancy tests and started the car. "She said good luck." Evie laughed. "I'll need it." I joked, and Evie smiled.

We drove back to Evie's house, and we ran upstairs to her room. I quickly unwrap one of the pregnancy tests and went to the bathroom. "I'll be right outside the door. Come out here when you're done, we can look at it together." Evie says, comforting me.

I did my business and dropped my urine on the stick with a dropper it comes with and exited the bathroom.

I sat with Evie on her bed and began to cry. "What if I'm pregnant, and Sodapop doesn't want it, and Dallas kicks me out? What will I do?" I cried. "As I said before, you'll live with me! My parents love you, and if Sodapop doesn't want it, then that's his problem, if Dallas kicks you out, he's a horrible brother! I will be here every single part of your pregnancy, and your baby's life." Evie smiled and kissed me on my forehead.

Now I was absolutely sobbing. "You're the best," I said, putting my forehead on hers. "You swear you'll be here? Even if Steve doesn't like me anymore?" I asked. "If Steve doesn't like you, that sucks for him. I will choose you always. Chicks before dicks." Evie joked, making me laugh.

"How long will it take?" Evie asked, referring to the tests. "The box said about thirty minutes. It doesn't have the lines either, it's fancy. It says pregnant if I am, and then not pregnant if I'm not." I laughed.

"Okay, so twenty-five more minutes," Evie said, and I groaned. "What do we do until then?" I asked. "We could go make pancakes?" Evie said, making me laugh. "But it's like 2p.m," I asked amused. "So? It's never too late for pancakes." Evie said, taking my hand and leading me into her kitchen.

"I don't even know how to make pancakes," Evie said, scratching her neck. "Me either. Why don't we watch something on t.v." I suggested. "That's probably the best idea. I don't really want to burn down my kitchen."

We walked into her living room where her t.v. was. "What do you want to watch?" Evie asked me as she grabbed the remote. "How about Eight is Enough? Or The Brady Bunch?" I asked, sitting on the ridiculously soft rug she had. "Eight is Enough," Evie said and I nodded.

She flipped through the small variety of channels and picked Eight is Enough. "I think Tommy Bradford is good-looking," I said, my eyes fixated on him. "Really? I like David." Evie swooned.

We finished the episode and it was time to go back upstairs. "Evie, I'm scared. I don't want to give birth! Dallas said he could hear my mom scream from the hallway when she had me!" I panicked.

"Well, you aren't giving birth right away. It's okay! A lot of women go through it." Evie comforted me. "Some women die too!" I said on the verge of tears. "It's okay!" Evie said while hugging me.

"Come on, let's go." She said, opening the door to her bathroom. We both stood in front of the test. "I'll flip it over, you look," Evie said, all I did was nod my head. Evie grasped the pregnancy test, and flipped it over quickly, looking at me for my reaction.

I sunk to the floor, grabbing the pregnancy test and holding it in my hands. "What does it say?" Evie questioned, looking at me expectantly. "Pregnant."

"I-I'm pregnant, Evie..." I said as I started to cry again. "God, I feel like such a crybaby." I laughed slightly. Evie smiled at me, "No, no you're not. Parenting a baby will be terrifying. I'm sure you'll cry all the time, but it'll be so rewarding. The cute moments you'll have with your baby, and watching it get older."

"But I only had sex once! I can't believe I'm so stupid to not use protection." I cried. "Of course, when I lose my virginity, I have to get pregnant."

"I'm gonna take the other one just to be sure," I said, getting up to get the other one, and Evie nodded her head.

I left the bathroom after using the test and waited. I waited for what seemed to be hours when in reality it was just thirty minutes.

"It's been thirty minutes," Evie said, coming with me to the bathroom. "You look, I can't," I said, shielding my eyes. Evie nodded and picked up the test. She frowned, and I knew it said I was pregnant.

"Pregnant," Evie said, flipping it toward me.

I began to cry hard, and Evie pulled me into a comforting hug. I cried on her shoulder. I cried and cried and cried until I felt no more tears would come out. "I love you, Syd. Sodapop better want this baby, or he won't be able to have anymore." Evie said, attempting to cheer me up. I smiled into her shirt.

"Thank you, Evie," I said, laughing at her last remark. "When do you think you'll tell Sodapop?" Evie asked. "I should probably just get it over with. I'll tell him tonight." I said, nodding. "Okay, well I think tonight's going to come fast because it's already 7:30. I'm surprised my parents aren't home yet." Evie said, gesturing to her clock. '

"Oh, shit!" I said grabbing my pregnancy tests and stuffing them in my bag. "I have to go, like now!" I said, hugging Evie again. I ran downstairs and saw her parents in the kitchen.

"Hello, Sydney!" Evie's mother, Barbrah spoke while chopping some peppers. "Hi, Barbrah." I smiled. "Are you not staying for dinner?" She asked. "No, I have to go meet someone important, thank you for having me though." I smiled again and walked out the door. "You're welcome, and you are always welcome here!"

Then I began my dreadful walk to see Sodapop.

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