Chapter 12: The southern raiders

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(a/n): two chapters in one day? Nice.

Third person POV:

Saori laid asleep as a massive blast echoed in her ears, shaking her awake.

Jerking up, she saw a war balloon shooting explosives at them.

Still out of her senses, the ceiling above her began to crack and collapsed. Expecting to be killed, she instead felt Zuko jump onto her as the ceiling barely missed the two.

Saori fell onto her back and to avoid hitting her her, she held it up but, Zuko leaned slightly down as his body came to a stop.

Their lips momentarily brushed against each other as their faced burnt with embarrassment. Saori slipped out from under Zuko and pulled him to his feet, avoiding his eyes.

Snapping out of their small trance, the teenagers rushed to help the others.

Saori urged Appa into the tunnel along with Aang as Zuko went to fight Azula.

After Appa refused to go in the tunnel, everybody split up, the gang going on Appa while the rest went through the tunnel.

Saori watched the fight between the fire nation siblings with great amusement while the others watched with terror.

The other air ships blasted fire explosives at the gang as the waterbenders stopped them from reaching everybody.

A massive explosion occurred on the ship with the siblings as Aang steered Appa to the falling Zuko.

Saori caught the prince and pulled him onto the Bison.

"She's not gonna make it...." Zuko stared at his falling sister who managed to maneuver herself against the rocks and save herself.

"Of course she did."

Time skip

"Wow. Camping. It really seems like old times again, doesn't it?" Aang asked.

"If you really want to feel like old times, I could uhhh.." Zuko held piece of his food infront of Saori who was reading a scroll. "Chase you around a while and try to capture you."

Everyone laughed as Saori ate the food right out Zuko's hand and summoned a brush. She wrote something on the scroll and kept it back in her bag.

"To Zuko." Sokka help up a cup. "Who knew after all those times he tried to snuff us out, today he'd be our hero."

"Here here." Everyone except Zuko and Katara held their own cups up.

"I'm touched. I don't deserve this." Zuko looked at Saori who gave him a vague but reassuring smile.

"Yea, no kidding." Katara frowned as she walked away.

"What's with her?" Sokka asked.

"I wish I knew." Zuko stood up and followed behind the girl.

"What's with him?" Sokka asked Saori who shrugged.

Zuko followed Katara to the cliff.

"This isn't fair, everyone else seems to trust me now, what is it with you?" The prince asked the waterbender.

"Oh? Everyone trusts you now? I was the first person to trust you remember? Back to Ba Sing Se?"

"You weren't."

"It doesn't matter! You still turned around and betrayed me! Betrayed all of us!"

Zuko looked down in shame as he remembered the disappointed eyes of Saori. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

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