Chapter 14: The Fortunteller

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(a/n): ... hi :)

Third person POV:

"He is taunting us." Sokka scowled at the fish swimming in the water. "You are SO gonna be dinner."

The nonbender grabbed a fishing rod and jerked it to throw the fishing line into the water, only for it to be nonexistent.

"Where's the fishing line?"

"I didn't think you would need it Sokka." Aang held up a self-made necklace.

"It's all tangled!"

"Not tangled, woven." Aang corrected. " I made you a necklace Katara. I thought since you lost your other one.." Aang smiled cheekily.

"Thanks Aang." Katara took the necklace out the airbender's hands. "I love it."

"Great Aang, instead of saving the world, you can go to the jewellery making business."

"I don't see why I can't do both."

Sokka threw the wirless fishing rod at the fish before grabbing a knife and going in the water himself. "Stop taunting me!"

"So? How do I look?" Katara asked.

"You mean all of you or just your neck- I mean, both of you look great." Aang nervously smiled.

"Smoochy smoochy, someone's in love." Sokka teased as he tried to kiss the fish only to get slapped by its tail.

"Stop teasing him Sokka, Aang's a sweet little guy, just like Momo."


Time skip

"Aunt Wu is expecting you." A man spoke.

The four went inside the house and we're greeted by a girl.

"My name is Meng, I am Aunt Wu's assistant." She introduced.

Saori gave Sokka a look as Meng gazed at Aang dreamily.

"Well hello there." Meng smiled.

"Hello." Aang greeted.

"Can I get you some tea, or some of Aunt Wu's special bean curd puffs?"

"I'll take the tea." Saori took her veiled hat off.

"I'll try the curd puff-" Sokka spoke.

"So what's your name?" Meng smiled at the airbender as the four sat down.

"Aang." He answered.

"That rhymes with Meng!" She gasped. "And you've got some pretty big ears don't you?"

"I guess?" Aang murmured, unsure.

"Don't be modest, they're HUGE!" Sokka grinned.

"Am I getting tea or not?" Saori broke into the conversation.

"Well Aang it's very nice to meet you. Very nice." Meng backed away. "And I'll get you two tea and puffs as well."

"Likewise." Aang politely responded.

"I can't believe we are here in the house of nonsense." Sokka groaned.

"Try to keep an open mind Sokka." Katara spoke. "There are think in the world that just can't be explained. Wouldn't it be nice to have an insight into your future?"

"It would be nice to have some bean curd puffs."

Saori yawned as she hadn't been able to sleep. Lightly streching she couldn't help but imagine what her future had in store for her. It wasn't going to be a simple peaceful life like she had wished for.

Sorcerer (Zuko x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora