Chapter 9: The waterbending scroll

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(a/n): ..... Sorry for the update notification before, i did it by accident. Hehe

Third person POV:

Saori stuffed the spirit inside the portal before ticking it's name off the list.

"How many left?" She heard Koh's voice.


"You are going faster than what I had anticipated. Good for you."

Saori hummed as she heard Koh leave her mind.


Katara pulled Aang down to sit infront of her.

"Calm down, it's going to be okay. If you want, I can try to teach you some of the stuff I know." She offered.

"You'll do that?" Aang asked as she nodded.

"We'll need to find a good source of water first."

"Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in."

Time skip

"Nice puddle." Sokka sarcastically muttered staring at the waterfall.


Who knew that Saori fighting a spirit would be so entertaining?

The sorcerer dangerously low on patience, swearing at the spirit while cutting off its limbs as they grew back. Her hat's veil slightly damaged, she threw the hat aside.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." She hissed out, dodging the spirits attacks. She couldn't use any high damage abilities and the spirits were getting more and more powerful.

Getting to a safe distance from the spirit, she muttered a spell which enveloped her katana in a reddish fire-like substance.

Opening a portal to the spirit's left, she jumped at the spirit, attacking it in a way that it would have to go to it's left. The spirit lost its balance and fell through the portal.

Breathing out in relief she deactivated the spell, her katana returning back to normal.

She pulled out her list and ticked off the name of the spirit.

"Five more... I'll do them tomorrow."

Picking her hat back up, she opened a portal.

She jumped into it and landed on sandy ground.

Observing her surroundings she saw Aang make a wave and drench Sokka completely.

Walking towards them, she threw her hat in a portal.

"The supplies?" She asked pointing to the small dots far in the river.

"Yes, these two 'practised' our supplies down the river." Sokka frowned.

"Good going you two."

Katara had a frown on her face as Aang happily ran towards Saori.

"Did you see the big wave I did? Wasn't it so cool?" He shook the girl.

"It was quite good." She gave Aang a light smile before changing the subject. "There is a village nearby, you can get new supplies there."

"My life was hard enough when you were just an Airbender..." The sorcerer heard Sokka murmur.

Time skip

The village was quite sketchy looking.

Saori adjusted her hat's veil as she didn't want any of the people to see her face.

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