Chapter 2: The painted lady

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(a/n): I am purposefully skipping the headband as it does not move the plot ahead and I don't know what to write for it.The updates will be slowing down as my holidays are coming to an end, I was thinking one chapter a week or maybe more if possible.

Third person POV:

"Look at this place, it's so sad." Katara scanned her surroundings. "We have to do something to help."

"No, we can't waste our time in here." Sokka rejected. "We have a bigger mission that we need to stay focused on. These people are on their own, I still haven't decided the name for Saori's eyes as well!" Sokka walked away.

"These people are starving and how can you turn your back on them? You're so cold and heartless."

"I'm not turned my back! I'm just being realistic."

Time skip

"Our detour in the town today has completely thrown off our schedule, it's going to take some serious finagling to get us back on track." Sokka took a bowl of the stew.

"Finagle away oh schedule master."

Well it looks like we'll need to wake up forty three minutes early everyday."

"Hold your ostrich horses Sokka, I sure we'll be fine with our normal schedule." Saori rolled her eyes.

Time skip

"I think Appa's sick." Katara told the others.

"What?! Appa's sick?!" Sokka rushed off the saddle. "That's awful!"

"Wow Sokka, I didn't realise you cared so much." Toph wiped her forehead.

"Of course I care, I might as well throw our schedule away now!"

Katara and Aang stared at Sokka in disapproval.

"And I'm concerned that my big furry friend doesn't feel well." The nonbender acted.

"He must've gotten sick from being in the polluted water." Toph spoke.

"He doesn't look sick." Aang went closer to the bison. "You okay buddy?"

Aang pulled out Appa's tongue which was a purple coloured. "His tongue is purple, this can't be good. Katara can you heal him?"

"It looks like he needs medicine, maybe we can find the right herbs in town."

Time skip

"Is it just me or does this place seem different?" Toph held onto Saori's dress as they all walked on the wooden platforms.

"Yea, are the people.....happier?" Aang placed his hand on his hip.

"Hey Shu, what's going on with everyone today?" Sokka walked to the shopkeeper.

"Ahh, something amazing happened last night, food was delivered to our village by a mysterious and wonderful person. The painted lady."

"What? Isn't that a spirit?" Saori raised her eyebrow.

"The painted who now?" Katara asked.

"The painted lady." Shu repeated. "She's part of our town's lore." He kept a small status of the spirit on display to the gang. "They say she's a river spirit who watches over our town in times of need. I always thought se was just a legend, until now."

"See, we didn't need to help these people, they already have someone to help them. All we need is some medicine for our sick friend." Sokka commented.

"Medicine? All the medicine we have goes to the factory, that's why there's so many sick people in our village."

"Looks like we need to stay another night so Appa can rest."

"I guess your right." Sokka sighed. "You got any more food to sell?" He turned to Shu.

"Would you like the one headed fish or the two headed fish?"

Saori cringed in disgust. "I'm buying food for myself, do any of you want anything?"

"Nevermind, we don't need your fish." Sokka waved his hand. "Seal jerky!"

"Deep-fried pickled radishes, I think their aroma is pleasing." Katara nodded.

Saori turned to Aang and Toph. "What about you two?"

"Egg custard tarts for me!" Aang smiled.

"Tea eggs."

"Alright, I'll be back at sunset." Saori vanished.

Time skip

Saori and Aang got up as Momo jumped onto their bodies.

"Calm down Momo.." Saori groaned as the lemur jumped on her stomach.

"It's her! Hello painted lady spirit!"

"Aang I don't think thats a spirit." Saori streched. "It's a human. And I think it's probably Katara."

"What makes you think that?"

"Who else can it be? She's most likely to do something like this."

"Makes sense.."

Time skip

"If you two want to help, there is one more thing I want to do." Katara walked ahead Aang and Saori.

The three sneaked into the factory and started to break everything in sight.

"This is fun." Saori smirked as she made holes in the pipes with her icicles. "Who knew destroying random shit in sight is so entertaining."

"Launguage Saori."


Time skip

"I'm going down to the village, and I'm going to do anything I can." Katara walked away.

Saori jogged after the waterbender and stopped her midway. "I have an idea."

The older girl disguised the younger one as the painted lady. Saori made sure Aang wasn't nearby before whispering. "Kick their asses." At which Katara smiled. "I will."

"I'm coming too." Sokka walked to the girls.

"I thought you didn't wanna help." Katara spoke.

"You need me, and I will never turn my back on you."

Saori finished applying the makeup as Katara got up. "Sokka, you really do have a heart." The siblings hugged.

"Alright, hug all you want but don't ruin the makeup, it's still wet." Saori stood up and walked away.

Time skip

Saori made thick mist as Katara stood on the water. Sokka made weird sounds with a flute and Toph made stomping sounds. Appa growled as the eerie atmosphere thickened.

The mist covered the village as the firebenders looked around.

Saori revealed Katara to the village who was standing completely still. The waterbender bolted forward towards the village as Saori's ravens croaked a unsettling melody.

Katara then proceed to scare the souls out the firebenders as Saori destroyed their boats.

Time skip

Saori and Katara extracted the clean water as Toph and Aang took the gunk.

"Katara?" Saori called out to the girl.


"Can I have my hat back?"

Time skip

Katara checked the water when someone appeared infront of her. Expecting Saori the waterbender looked up only to find the painted lady.

Katara stared at the spirit in astonishment.

"Thank you."

Published- 28th May 2022
(a/n): I will most likely post on weekends, but may post on Wednesdays. Idk.
1050< words

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