Chapter 3: Avatar Day

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(a/n): hi! I had to search high and low for motivation to write but found only a gram of it, so, here. It's probably rushed.

Third person POV:

"Sorry about your boomerang Sokka." Aang apologised.

"I feel like I have lost part of my identity."

A portal opened as Saori fell through it.

"Whose identity is lost?" Saori asked. "Katara can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

Saori pulled of the bandages on her arm and showed the waterbender the half healed bite.

"Can you heal it?"

Katara's eyes widened as she lectured the sorcerer to take care of herself while healing the wound.

Time skip

"There is a holiday for the Avatar." Aang looked around. "Who knew?"

A massive statue of Kyoshi traveled through the street.

"Look! They made a giant Kyoshi float." Katara dragged Saori behind her.

"And here comes Avatar Roku!" Sokka pointed.

Saori brought some deep fried food and gave it to Sokka.

"That's the biggest me I've ever seen." Aang smiled.

A man ran to the floats and burnt the floats as the crowd cheered. "Down with the Avatar! Down with the Avatar!"

"Well that took a turn.." Saori muttered.

Time skip

"How was I supposed to know that they don't accept water tribe money?" Aand defended himself.

"So, some people don't like you, big deal. There's a whole nation of firebenders who hate you. Now let's bust you out of here." Sokka spoke.

"I can't."

"Sure you can, a little" Sokka blew air. "Swish, swish, swish. Airbending slice. And we're on our way."

"I think what master swish is trying to say is that you're supposed to be saving the world, you can't do that locked up in here." Katara explained.

"I can't do that with people thinking I'm a murderer either." Aang hung his head. "I need you guys to help me prove my innocence."

"How are you going to do that?" Sokka asked. "The crime happened over three hundred years ago."

"I thought you were an expert detective Sokka." Saori raised an eyebrow.

"Well I guess I could be classified as such."

"Yeah, back home, he was famous for solving the mystery of the missing seal jerky." Katara inflated Sokka's ego.

"Everyone wanted to blame it on the polar leopard, but I figured it was old man jerko in polar leopard boots. The polar leopard would've left much deeper tracks. Okay, I guess I'm pretty good." Sokka exaggerated.

"So? You'll help me with my case?"

Sokka thought of a second, "Fine, but I'm gonna need some new props."

Time skip

"Yea, you have fun with your case, I'm out." Saori raised her hands.

"What you can't just do that!" Aang exclaimed.

"I can, and I just did." Saori turned away. "It's my job that you all don't get killed and I'll be back if the imbecile mayor gives you a death sentence. And I still have places to visit. Until then, goodbye."

A portal opened underneath Saori as she fell in.

Time skip

Sokka repeatedly threw Saori's kunai at the ground as puffs of smoke appeared with each impact but there was no Saori.

After more than fifty tried an annoyed Saori finally appeared next to Aang in Kyoshi's cloths.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Saori looked around.

"Language Saori." Katara hissed.

"Well, uh-" Aang nervously began. "Can you help me connect to Kyoshi's spirit?"

Saori thought for a moment the sighed in defeat. "Fine."

She placed her palm at the centre of Aang's back as a dust cloud enveloped both of them.

The skies darkened as the grass turned into a mucky green colour.

The dust faded as Kyoshi stood in place of Saori and Aang.

"I killed Chin the conqueror." Kyoshi began. "A horrible tyrant. Chin was expanding his army to all corners of the continent. When they came to the neck of the peninsula where we lived, he demanded our immediate surrender. I warned him that I would not sit passively while he took our home, but he did not back down... On that day, we spilt from the mainland."

"I created Kyoshi Island so my people could be safe from invaders." Kyoshi finished as miniature tornado enveloped her as the grass and skies turned back to normal.

Saori and Aang lightly stumbled as the cloud dissolved.

"So, what just happened?" Aang groaned.

"Uhh, you kind of confessed. Sorry." Katara answered.

"And I find you guilty." The mayor pointed to Aang. "Bring out the wheel of punishment!"

Time skip

"The accused will now spin the wheel of punishment to determine his sentence."

"I said I would face justice, so I will." Aang spun the wheel.

"Looks like it's boiled in oil."

Before anything could happen a small bomb went off next to Aang and the Mayor.

"We've come to claim this village for the Firelord. Now show me your leader." The man demanded. "Dethrone him."

"That's him over there!" A villager pointed to the mayor who hid behind the wheel.

"You avatar! Do something!" She shouted.

"Gee, I'm sure he would've loved to help, but he's supposed to be boiled in oil." Saori walked next to Aang.

The man turned the wheel as it landed on community service.

"There, community service. Now serve our community and get ride of the rhinos!"

Aang smiled as he ran forward.

Time skip

"Why didn't you help Aang chase out the fire nation?" Sokka asked.

"Well, it was HIS punishment, not mine." Saori explained. "But I did help to stop the village from burning down."

Sokka nodded in understanding as the two stood next to Aang and Katara watching the fireworks.

"From now on, we'll celebrate a new Avatar day. In honor of the day Avatar Aang saved us from the rough rhino invasion." The mayor announced.

"What is that?" Saori peered into the bowl in Sokka's hands.

"That is our new festival food, un-fried dough. May we eat it and reminded of how on this day the avatar was NOT boiled in oil."

Sokka tried to push the bowl in Saori's hands who backed away.

"This is by far the worst town we've been to." The two oldest said at the same time.

Published- 22nd May 2022
1000< Words

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