Chapter 5: The Runaway

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(a/n): I won't be writing for the Avatar and the fire lord because Saori can't be added into it.

Third person POV:

"Look at all those messenger hawks, ya know, I've been thinking about getting one for myself, it doesn't take to me like your ravens but it would still be pretty cool." Sokka scanned the birds. "I wouldn't have to talk to anyone! I could just send them messages."

"I agree with you." Saori walked next to the nonbender.

"I gotta say, I like the idea of not talking to you." Toph remarked at Sokka causing him to frown.

"So guys, what are we going to get with our silver piece?" Aang asked.

"We can get more money." Toph stopped walking. "Right there." She pointed to a small gathering.

Time skip

"How did you guys convince Saori to give you money to buy all this?" Katara scanned the items.

"We didn't, Toph got us the money, she scammed one of those guys in town who moves the shells around all sneaky like." Aang took a bite of an apple while explaining.

"She used earthbending to win the game, classic!" Sokka sat down.

"Ah, so she cheated." Katara spoke.

"Hey, I only cheated because he was cheating. I cheated a cheater. What's wrong with that?"

"I'm just saying, this isn't something we should make a habit of doing."

"Why? Because it's fun? And you hate fun?" Toph quizzed.

"I don't hate fun!" Katara denied, she put Momo on her head. "See? Fun!" Momo slipped off her hair and ran to the sorcerer.

Saori raised an eyebrow as she fed Dior and Iris before whispering to the birds and the lemur. "Don't worry, I won't do anything like that to you."

"Katara, I'll personally make you an Avatar promise that we won't make an habit of doing these scams." Aang lifted his headband and showed his arrow before bowing to her.

Time skip

Saori watched from the sidelines as Toph, Aang and Sokka scammed the people for money.

Time skip

"Guys, I think these scams have gone far enough. If you keep doing them something bad is going to happen." Katara lectured.

"Could you for once stop being such a sour puss and just lighten up?" Toph threw a silver piece at Katara.

"Oh I'm sorry, you think I should be more like you? Like some wild child?"

"Yeah! Maybe, maybe you'd see how great we have it. I mean look at us! We're traveling around the world making easy money, having fun with no parents to tell us what to do."

"Ahhh, I see, you're acting like this because of your parents." Katara began.


"They were controlled over you so you ran away and now you act like your parents don't exist, you act like you hate them but you don't, you just feel guilty."

"I do hate them."

"I don't think so, I think you miss them but you just don't wanna deal with that. So instead you act like this crazy person-"

"Look, I ran away to help Aang."

"You know what? It doesn't matter. These scams put us all at risk and we don't need that, we've already got some third eyed freak after us."

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