Chapter 8: The library

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(a/n): :^)

Third person POV:

"Wan Shi Tong's library." The professor reveals.

"Wan Shi Tong?" Saori perks up at the name of the spirit. "I know him."

"You do?" Aang turns to the sorcerer.

"Yes, he is the one who sends me the places I need to visit."

"Fascinating, do you perhaps know where his library is?"

Saori shook her head. "I meet him in the spirit world not the physical world."

"I see."

Time skip

"There it is!" Toph pointed. "That's what it would sound like when one of you spots it." She waved her hand infront of her eyes.

After a few minutes Sokka managed to find a pillar as Aang lowered Appa infront of it.

"Forget it, it's not what we're looking for, the building in this drawing is enormous." Katara compared the picture and the pillar.

"I think this is exactly what we are looking for." Saori walked to the pillar.

A fox walked next to the sorcerer and bit her sleeve which it pulled forward.

"No! You'll rip it! I'll have Wan Shi pay me for new clothes." Saori jogged along with the fox.

"The inside seems to be completely intact and it's huge." Toph pressed her hand on the wall.

They watched as Saori peeked her head through the window and motioned them to come in.

"She's telling us to come inside." Katara watched as Saori went back in.

"I say you guys go ahead without me." Toph told the rest.

"You've got something against libraries?" Katara questioned.

"I've held books before, I've gotta tell you, they don't exactly do it for me."

"Oh right, sorry."

"Let me know if they have something to listen to."

The four climbed into the library.

"Oh it's breathtaking, the spirits spared no expense designing this place, look at those beautiful buttresses!" Professor Zei gasped as he looked around.

Aang and Sokka snickered.

"What's funny?" Zei asked the boys.

"Nothing, we just like architecture." Aang lied.

"As do I."

The four dropped down onto the solid ground.

"My word! Look at that exquisite mosaic handwork of this tile rendered avian symbol- nice owl.." Zei's voice died down.

A massive owl walked out as Saori followed after him. Her hands filled with different scrolls. "There is a book I wish to give you." The owl told the girl who nodded.

He walked to the rope hanging from the pillar as he stared at the pillar where Zei and Aang were hiding.

"I know you're back there." He told the rest.

"Hello! I am professor Zei, head of anthropology at Ba Sing Se." Zei introduced himself.

"You should leave the way you came. Unless you want to become a stuffed head of a anthropology."

"Are you the spirit who brought this library to the physical world?" Sokka asked as Katara, him and Aang walked out of their hiding spots.

"Indeed, I am Wan Shi Tong, he who knows ten thousand things." He introduced. "And you are obviously humans, which are by the way are no longer permitted in my study."

"What do you have against humans?" Aang asked.

"Hmm. Humans only bother learning things to get the edge on other humans. Like that firebender who came to this place a few years ago looking to destroy his enemies."

"Zhao?" Saori turned to the spirit.

"Precisely." Wan Shi Tong snapped his head closer to Sokka as he asked him. "So, who are you trying to destroy?"

"What no-n-no, no destroying, we're not into that." Sokka tried to convince the spirit.

"Then why have you come here?"

"Umm... Knowledge for knowledge's sake?"

"If you're going to lie to an all knowing spirit being, you should atleast put some effort into it."

"I'm not lying, I'm here with the Avatar and he's the bridge between our worlds. He'll vouch for me." Sokka pushed Aang forward.

"Uh yeah, I'll vouch. We well not abuse the knowledge in your library. Good spirit, you have my word." Aang confirmed as they bowed.

"Hmm.. very well. I'll let you cruise my vast collection, on one condition. To prove your worth as scholars, you have to contribute some worthwhile knowledge."

Zei held out a book.

"First collection. Very nice."

The owl covered the book with its wing as it disappeared.

"I have an authentic waterbending scroll." Katara held it out.

"Oh, these illustrations are quite stylish." Wan Shi Tong made the scroll disappear.

"Uhh, I know!" Aang reached into his clothes and pulled out a wanted poster of him.

"I suppose that counts." Wan Shi Tong took the poster.

"Oh great spirit, check this out." Sokka held a piece of string. He knotted it into what appeared to be a dragon fly. "It's a special knot! That counts as knowledge."

"You're not very bright are you?" The spirit asked. Saori intervened and gave the spirit a blueprint of a war balloon. "Consider this as his donation, he helped invent it."

"I suppose that works." Wan Shi Tong took the parchment from Saori as he turned to the others, he took the knotted string from Sokka and spoke. "Enjoy the library. Saori, I wish to give you something."

Saori sat on the spirits back as he flew down into the library.

He landed infront of a grand door as Saori jumped off him. "You're friends are going to use the information against the Fire Nation aren't they, Child?"

"You aren't going to stop them?"

"I should but, they are going to discover something important for the future hence, I shall attack them after." Wan Shi Tong opened the door as they both went in.

"One of my foxes found this book. It has high level sorcerer that allows a being to reverse their physical body condition, allowing the person to heal their own wounds within a matter of minutes. There are many more techniques written in there as well."

"That must be a lot of power."

"And I trust you enough to use them wisely." Wan Shi Tong guided her to a table with a purple book covered with a glass dome.

Wan Shi Tong handed the book to the girl as she wrote down about the places she had visited which were not yet explored.

"Child." Wan Shi Tong called. "Child!"

Saori snapped up startled. "Yes?"

"I shall go deal with your friends, I'll be transporting the library to the spirit world so be prepared."

Saori nodded as the owl went out the room.

A few minutes passed as the ceiling shook violently.

"Do you think I should've took Wan Shi to not go to hard on them?" Saori asked the fox sitting next to her. It looked up before licking cheek. "I'm sure he's holding back but, maybe he should hold back a little more." She patted the animal's head.

Published- 24th May 2022
1100< Words

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