Chapter 2: New Friends?

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(a/n): :)

Third person POV:

"OI YOU CUNT!" Saori yelled as the spirit named Rass scurried away.



"Don't know, now off you go!" Rass responded to the fuming girl as he disappeared.

"How am I even supposed to find them..they could have left."

Time skip

Saori ended up back at the south pole.

"Kami give me strength."

Walking to the biggest igloo present she was again stopped by a child.

"Buzz off kid" she spoke not even sparing a glance.


"What? You know I could kill you here right?"


"Why are you following me then?"

" 'cuz I am bored."

Saori tried to convince the kid to leave her alone but failed. After accepting defeat she went back to the igloo's entrance and went inside.

"YOU!" The boy she had knocked out before got up as the waterbender behind him also put her guard up.

"yes me."

Saori felt something on her leg. It was the brat from before.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"I wanna play."

"Oi you." Saori pointed at the waterbender, "Get this little shit off me before I kill him."

The waterbender fearfully peeled of the kid and shooed him off.

"Thank you. Now, for what I am here-" Saori said

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-" The waterbender's brother screeched as he tried to attack Saori.

"Sokka no!" The waterbender shouted

Time skip 5 seconds

Saori sat on the boy's back as he squirmed around.

"So basically I have to make sure you and that airbender don't kill yourselves." She said as she pointed to Katara and Sokka.

"That means you weren't going to kill Katara?" Sokka questioned still, under Saori.

"Why would I kill her?"

"Oh no no, it's nothing." Katara interjected

"I also want to inform you that I may appear and disappear inbetween so, during those times you will be on your own, wait.... Where is the airbender?" Saori asked.

"He was banished from the tribe."




Before the siblings could ask the mysterious girl any questions a horn was heard.

The three ran outside the igloo only to see a fire nation ship at the entrance of the tribe.

The ship's doors opened.

Saori's POV:

Oh my.....

A familiar boy who was a few months older than me walked out of the ship, the scar on his left side, his golden eyes, the unfortunate haircut. He was the banished prince! I had met him a couple times in random villages while I was doing the spirit's bidding.

"Oh if it isn't The Wandering Sorcerer." He spoke his bright eyes fixated on me.

"Prince." I acknowledged.

"Where is the avatar?" He asked.

"The avatar was here?" I asked Katara.

"The avatar?" Katara muttered confused.

"The avatar disappeared a hundred years ago." I said.

By now Zuko approached the granny from before and asked us about the avatar.

"Still behind the avatar, Zuko?" I questioned.

"Of course, I have to capture him to regain my honor."

Out of nowhere, the airbender came riding a penguin. He hit Zuko which caused the price to go flying in the air.

Time skip brought to you by Ozai being a bitch

So the airbender named Aang was indeed the Avatar. But he also got taken back into the ship.

"We have to do something to get him back!" Katara cried out.

"No." I curtly replied

"But-" Katara began again but was cut off by Sokka trying to change the subject.

"Say why did the prince call you the 'Wandering Sorcerer'?" He asked.

"Oh it's just a name the locals have started to call me."

"What is you real name though, if you don't mind me asking?" Katara joined in.


"So, Saori, let's go save Aang."

"I think that I just said no."

"We are saving him" Sokka smiled as he ignored me.

Time skip

After we finally got Aang's bison flying, we hurried to the ship.

"It seems that Aang doesn't need our help." I remarked referring to Aang in the Avatar state.

After getting Aang back on the bison, I heard a voice in my head.

"The spirits request for your presence."

Published- 26 April 2022
700< words

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