Chapter 6: Imprisoned

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(a/n): ;)

Saori's POV:

"What?" I worriedly questioned. "What do you mean?"

The voice was gone.

I knew that, I won't get the answers anytime soon.

Brushing it off, I teleported back home. Freshing up, I adjusted my hat and it's veil at the front door.

Sokka's POV:

I heard a light woosh near Aang. "Aang watch out!"

A medium sized portal opened as Saori fell out of it.

"Hello there." She sighed while adjusting her hat.

"Why do you just appeared and disappear from time to time?" Aang questioned.

"I have a life outside babysitting you all." Saori smiled.

"Where is Katara?" She scanned the area.

"In jail." I bluntly replied.

"WHAT? In jail? I was gone for about three days and one of you went to jail?!" She repeated, suprised.

Time skip

After explaining the whole situation of Haru getting arrested and Katara trying to save him, Saori nodded understandingly.

"So you will be going there if she doesn't come back in twelve hours?"

"Yup, basically." Aang grinned

"Avatar, you need to hide your arrow." Saori advised pointing at Aang's forehead. "We are in a fire nation infiltrated area."

Third person POV:

Saori mumbled a spell and reached into the newly made portal. She pulled out two straw hats similar to what the Aang had before.

"Wear these." She commanded.

Time skip

The three watched Katara get on the ship, hidden in the gathered crowd.

The ship retracted it's door and started to drift away from the port.

Sokka grabbed both Aang and Saori's hand as they sprinted to Appa.

Within ten minutes the trio had Appa on move, tailing behind the massive ship.

A massive structure came into view, the surrounding sky painted red.

"She'll be fine Aang, Katara knows what she is doing." Sokka comforted the airbender.

As the skies darkened Saori finally broke the silence, "Where are you going to keep Appa?"

"We'll just lower him into the water."

"These idiots are going to get me in a lot of trouble." The sorcerer thought.

"You two talk to Katara, I'll be here." Saori spoke, flicking her hand a small kunai appeared out of thin air. Handing it to Sokka she explained "If you need my help just throw it at the ground."


As the sixteen year old watched the two boys land on the metallic prison she turned her back to them.

A spirit stuck it's head out of the water staring at the girl. Saori jumped down from Appa onto the water, though she did not fall in. Standing on the surface she watched the spirit rub against her leg before swimming back into the sea.

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