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Forty seven

Issac was back in school.

Apparently Jackson told Stiles dad that he didn't actually hear Issac and his dad fight before he got murdered so now he wasn't a suspect.

So he's back in school.

"All right, I only found one thing online called the Kanima," Stiles said as the trio walked out of class together. "It's a were-jaguar from South America that goes after murderers."

"That thing was not a jaguar," Scott said.

"Yeah, and I'm not exactly a murderer," Stiles added.

"I did kill a ladybug once," the blonde girl admitted.

"How do you sleep at night," Stiles teased sarcastically.

"I had a funeral for it and everything," Brie went on. "It was awful."

"I remember you knocking on my door with tears in your eyes," Scott laughed at the memory.

"His name was Barry."

"But if you did see it kill somebody," Scott changed the subject back on the Kanima. "Which is probably why it tried to kill you. And it's still trying to kill you."

"And it probably won't stop until your dead," Brie joined in without noticing how Stiles had stopped walking with them.

"You know, sometimes I really begin to question this "friendship" and "relationship," the short haired boy said before running to catch up with them again.


Brie saw behind Stiles in their next class and much to her dismay, Jackson sat right beside her.

"Hey, testicle left and right," Jackson whispered, trying to get Stiles and Scott's attention. "And Brie," the blonde gave him a fake smile at the lack of insult but both Scott and Stiles sighed heavily. "What the hell is a Kanima?"

Now this caught their attention.

The three of their heads turned to the boy in a second but before they could ask any questions, Coach hit his book on the desk to begin class.

"All right, listen up," Coach started, grabbing everyone's attention. "Quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups, because tomorrows midterm is so profoundly difficult I'm not even too sure I could pass it."

Brie and Stiles shared a look while Scott literally banged his head on his desk dramatically.

"Okay," Coach went on. "I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Who's got it, huh? Come on, let's go, buddy," he gestured for one of the students to come up to the board.

"Paralysed from the neck down," Jackson continued to the trio. "Do you have any idea what that feels like?"

"I'm familiar with the sensation," Stiles commented.

"Wait.... Why would Derek test you?" Scott asked, trying to think. "Why would he think that it's you?"

"How should I know?" Jackson responded in annoyance.

"Wait, do they think it's Lydia?" Brie asked in a hushed voice, making sure the strawberry blonde didn't accidentally hear them. "That's impossible."

"I don't know, all I heard was her name and something about chemistry," Jackson replied.

"Jackson!" Coach rudely interrupted, giving them all a shock. "Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

"Um.." he looked around for something to say. "Just an undying admiration for my coach."

𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  ▸ Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now