|37| season 2

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thirty seven

Stiles was fast asleep on the hospital chairs outside Bries room. He was still holding the get well soon ballon he got for her, waiting to be allowed to see her again.

"Just like that," Melissa heard him mumble in his sleep. "No, no, you first. Me first?"

Melissa rolled her eyes and left him alone. There was no point trying to convince him to go home.

Jenny left the room to get more water for her daughter and caught sight of Stiles fast asleep on the chairs.

"He's been here all night?" she asked Melissa.

Stiles began kissing the air. "He's been here all weekend," Melissa replied.

Jenny rolled her eyes with a smile and went back to what she was doing. 

A nurse lady came over to empty the trash can beside Stiles.

"You're dirty," Stiles chuckled in his dream which caused the lady to look at him weirdly and hurry away again.

Stiles woke up after that and went to bring the ballon into Brie who was on her bed reading.

"When did you become a reader?" he asked, tying the ballon to the end of her bed.

"Since I have been bed bound with nothing else to do with my time," she responded, putting down the book to talk to him. "Can you believe I'm actually enjoying it?"

"I'm gonna go to the vending machine, want anything?" he asked.

"I'll come with you," she said eagerly. "I need to stretch my legs."

"As long as you feel up to it," he responded unsurely.

"Let's go," the blonde put on some slippers and walked towards the door.

The place seemed to be super empty when she left her room, she couldn't see any nurses around. She followed Stiles towards the vending machine.

"Ooo," she studied all the sweets before her. "I'm
gonna get a Hershey's bar," she finally decided and took out some change she had in her pocket.

"No, I am going to get you a Hershey's bar," Stiles corrected, already typing in the numbers for one.

"But-" she started, not wanting to make him buy it.

"No buts," he interrupted her. "I'm the boyfriend of this relationship, I'm buying it for you."

"Thank you," Brie smiled as the bar came out for her.

"And I am going to get myself a Reese's cup," he stated with a smirk, putting in the money for his own treat.

But when it came out for him, it got stuck.

"Seriously? Come on..." he said in defeat as he began hitting the glass.

"Unlucky," the blonde couldn't help but laugh.

"Aren't you like magic now?" he turned to her. "Can't you magic it out for me?"

"No, I am not magic," she furrowed her eyes in confusion. Was he serious.

Stiles let out an angry sigh and began to shake the vending machine.

"We can just buy another-" Brie tried to suggest.

"No," the boy cut her off and continued to shake it. He even tried picking it up. "Ugh, that's not gonna work."

Brie took a step back as he began to angrily shake the poor vending machine.

𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  ▸ Stiles Stilinski ¹Where stories live. Discover now