Chapter 9 The Void

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"The flower..." I trail off as I stare down at it.

"It suits you." Naraku's voice rang out through my head causing me to pick it up, but then I shake my head. "He was the one that save me would he really hurt me like that? No, I won't take the chance of being tortured." I think as I stick the flower into my Kimono and take off running once again until I finally make it out a door leading to the courtyard, but then it hits me.

"Kohaku..." I trail off, but then put on a determined expression. "No, I can't leave that poor boy here." I think as I rush towards the part of the castle Kohaku resides in.

"Kohaku!" I shout as I enter the building and then hear some blankets rustle to see Kohaku sitting up and looks over towards me.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Kohaku asks causing me to rush over to him.

"Grab you're stuff, Kohaku." I answer causing his eyes to widen.

"Why?" Kohaku questions as he gets up from his bed.

"We're leaving now." I respond, but he then grabs my hand and once he sees I'm shaking he puts on a worried expression.

"What happened? You're shaking." Kohaku points out causing me to turn to him and then look down, but then I shake my head.

"I won't... I won't let myself or you be tortured like that!" I declare causing Kohaku to put on a vacant expression as if he switched personalities.

"So you did see." Kohaku states causing a chill to rush down my spine as I let go of him. "Is he... Is he being controlled? It has to be Naraku!" I think as I step back from Kohaku, who looked exactly like the first time I saw him with dead eyes as if he was a puppet.

"I'm sorry, Kohaku." I apologize as I chop him in the neck causing him to drop unconscious. "Naraku's a demon of course he would be able to possess someone... Damn it!" I think as I rush out of the building and out of the castle as fast as I can.

"Kohaku, please stay safe." I plead as tears begin to form in my eyes as I don't stop running even after exiting the castle.

(To Naraku's POV)

"(Y/N)" I trail off as I watch her flee my castle, which causes me to clench my fist. "She fled... Did me and Kagura's quarrel frighten her?" I wonder as I grit my teeth with an angry expression.

"KAGURA!" I call out causing Kagura to appear through the curtains with an annoyed expression.

"What?" Kagura asks full of irritation causing me to glare up at her.

"With the blows that you received from Tessaiga, I was able to comprehend the power of Inuyasha's sword. Go fourth now, Kagura. You're sister Kana has already been dispatched." I explain causing Kagura to turn and she goes to walk out.

"Also, (Y/N) has escaped." I inform causing Kagura to look back at me.

"If you see her, Kagura... Bring her back." I instruct, which make Kagura walk out of my room.

(To (Y/N)'s POV)

"W-where... Am, I?" I ask as I look around to see I'm walking in a marsh, seeing as I ran all night long. "I'm so exhausted-" I fall unconscious into the marshy water.

"Oh my. Are you alright?" A girls voice questions causing my eyes to flutter open as I'm then lifted out of the water.

"We have found Koharu!" I hear a man's voice call out causing me to put on a confused expression.

"What is-" I was interrupted by a hand causing me to look over to see a young girl with her finger to her lips as she helped me to my knees with a rather stressed expression. "What did I just get myself into now?" I wonder as I begin to hear what sound like fighting causing me to look over see several men and a woman.

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