Chapter 67 A Curse

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(To (Y/N) )

It's a been a couple weeks since I decided to travel with Sesshomaru and though it took forever, my injury is completely healed. As usual Jaken is always nagging especially since I went back to call his Lord just by Sesshomaru, but other than I hang out with Rin hen we're not traveling. Also, it may just be my imagination, but it seems Sesshomaru starts up a conversation with me a lot more than he did the past times.

"(Y/N), let's go find something to eat." Rin addresses grabbing onto my arm causing me to look down at her.

"Okay." I nod as I then turn to Entei.

"Stay here, Entei. We'll be back in a moment." I inform causing Entei to sound out as he walks over and lays a few feet from A-Un. "I'm surprised that A-Un and Entei get along so well." I think as I then turn to rush after Rin, who's already headed towards the nearby forest.

(To Inuyasha)

"All the kids in the village were kidnapped?" Inuyasha asks causing Kagome and Songo to look at each other.

"When we woke up in the morning, all of the children of the village had vanished. I-I had no idea what happened to them, whether the Gods or even Demons spirited them away." The Headman answers causing Miroku to step forward.

"Headman, my friends and I will find out where the children have gone. Don't you worry about a thing." Miroku asserts causing the Headman to look up at him.

"We may not look like we can accomplish much, but we're really pretty good." Kagome assures with a smile.

"We're quite skilled when it comes to slaying Demons and in return for our help, all we would need are lodgings." Miroku informs.

"Jeez, you're not pulling that again." Inuyasha mutters giving Miroku the side eye.

"Thanks, but we don't need your help." The Headmaster states causing the groups eyes to widen.

"I've already asked a Monk for help." The Headmaster adds.

"Yes? And you're looking at a Monk right here." Miroku points out.

"I mean a group of Monks, who specialize in vanquishing Demons. The Master Ungai and his young Acolytes." The Headman explains causing Miroku to tense up.

"I'm certain that he and his subordinates will be able to rescue our children." The Headman declares causing Miroku to put on an uncomfortable expressions.

"Master Ungai, you say? So, he's here. How fortunate..." Miroku trails off.

(To (Y/N) )

"Rin, we can't go too far into the forest!" I call out as I begin to head towards her.

"I know, but I found some food that insist in the tree." Rin informs causing me to look down to see her trying to pull things out of the ground. Suddenly, I felt several presences heading our direction causing me to stiffen up and look in the direction they were coming in. "It isn't Demons, but one of the presences are abnormally strong." I think, but then Rin grunts as I look over to see she had pulled out the vegetable.

"I got it!" Rin chirps, but then footsteps causing me to quickly turn.

"You two." A voice rang out as I saw a group of Monks standing there, causing Rin to turn to them as well.

"Are you both from the Village at the mountain foot?" The Monk that I felt the abnormally strong presence asks, while Rin hides behind me making me glance back her. "I forgot Rin is scared of other Humans." I think as I turn back to the Monk, who was looking at me with a strange expression.

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