Chapter 65 The Adamant Barrage

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(To Kagome)

Inuyasha, Kagome and the rest of the group made it safely to the Border Between this world and the next, but there was no sign of Naraku. Making it onto a bird Inuyasha and Kagome were making their way towards Inuyasha's Father along with Miroku and Songo when a blinding bright light, blocks their view. Suddenly Shards of Crystals begin flying towards them causing everyone to begin dodging and trying to outmaneuver them.

"Naraku's gotta be behind this!" Inuyasha proclaims as he drawls his sword and smacks away the crystals causing Myoga to jump out and glance around at the falling crystals.

"These are Shards of Adamant!" Myoga announces causing Kagome to look up with a confused expression.

"Shards of Adamant? You mean, as in Diamonds?" Kagome asks causing Myoga to rush down to her.

"Diamond? What in blazes is that? I'm talking about the hardest jewel in the world, and these spears are made of Adamant!" Myoga answers causing Kiara to fly over to Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Inuyasha, I don't sense Naraku's Demonic Aura at all." Miroku informs.

"Then who the hell is behind this?!" Inuyasha exclaims as he slashes at anther crystal. Inuyasha began to get agitated as well as worried seeing as the crystals ere shouting out of Inuyasha's Fathers grave.

"The light spears have stopped firing." Shippo addresses as Kagome's eyes then widen as she grabs a hold of Inuyasha's kimono.

"Inuyasha, the Sacred Jewel Shard! It's inside your Father!" Kagome whisper shouts causing him to turn to her with a confused expression. Making they're way over to Inuyasha's Father's grave the mist blocked the lower half of it.

"You there, are you of the dead?" A voice asks causing Inuyasha and Kagome to look down and she a barrage of Adamant spears lodged in Inuyasha's Father's belly.

"You are grave robbers after the Sacred Jewel Shard." The voice insists as a face appears out of the shards of Adamant.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?! Inuyasha exclaims as they fly down to him.

"And why are you making a Nest in the belly of someone's Father?" Inuyasha questions.

"Father, you say?" The voice asks again as red eyes appear from the skull as he begins to move towards Inuyasha.

"Are you saying you're the son of the Great Dog Demon?" The voice questions causing Myoga to jump up and down.

"Master Inuyasha, I think I know who the Skull Crystal really is, Hosenki, aren't you Master Hosenki? It's me, Myoga. Don't you recognize me?" Myoga quires.

"What Hosenki?" Songo puzzled.

"Exactly the Demon who made the black pearl for Inuyasha long ago." Miroku responds.

"So, it's you, Myoga. Then this young lad must be Inuyasha." Hosenki states.

"Yes. Master Inuyasha is not your enemy!" Myoga proclaims.

"I recall that long ago I made the black Pearl at your Fathers request. However, Inuyasha, you passed through the Black Pearl once to come to this world. Having fulfilled its purpose, the Black Pearl had lost its power and returned to its place in your right eye." Hosenki explains.

"So you did it! You were the one that made me have those visions!" Inuyasha accused.

"Visions? Those were probably thoughts still left in the Black Pearl." Hosenki addresses.

"What do you mean?" Inuyasha inquired.

"Didn't the Visions you've had tell you to leave this place? It goes without saying, entering the Land of the Dead again is not allowed, no matter who you are." Hosenki responds.

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