Chapter 80 Grieving Flowers

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(To (Y/N) )

"The sky is so cloudy..." Rin trail off causing me to look up at the sky.

"You're right, it'll probably rain soon." I nod as I was walking next to Entei along with Kohaku.

"Hopefully it's not a down pour." Kohaku insists causing Jaken to scoff as he was leading A-Un, who Rin was riding off.

"Who cares as long as Lord Sesshomaru remains walking I will as well, no matter the weather." Jaken insists looking back us, not realizing Sesshomaru had stopped and walked right into the back of his leg. Slowly, Jaken turns to see Sesshomaru looking back at him and he immediately drops the ground.

"Forgive me, Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken pleads causing Sesshomaru to turn away and I let out a sigh. "He's always putting his foot in his mouth." I think as I stare back up at the sky.

"It's the sky's turn to mourn..." I trail off as I feel a droplet hit my face. "It's cold." I think as the water slides down my face.

(To Kanna)

"Flowers wither and lose their color, much as I reflect in vain. Time lost to the long rain." Kanna mutters as she was walking through a white flower field as it was raining.

"Kagura." Kanna whispers as she picks up the fan that was laying in the flower field.

"Are you free now? Did you ever become the wind?" Kanna asks as she looks up at the cloudy sky.

"I- I have nothing. I have nothing." Kanna speaks as she begins walking once again.

(To Naraku)

(Naraku's POV)

I was laying just above the floor with a barrier around myself, as I my breathes were a bit heavy. "It's still there." I think as I stare the Shikon Jewel with a bright light stationed in the center of it. "One small spec of purity remains in the Shikon Jewel. Despite my efforts to defile it, the stubborn point of light remains. In our last battle, that power of Inuyasha's blade it could still cost me my life." I thought as the battle was still fresh in my mind. "Kikyo, even in death you continue to haunt me." I think as I grit my teeth.

"Damn you." I think as I glare up at the ceiling.

(To Kagome)

"The suns coming out." Kagome points out as the sun beams through the clouds as her and the group walk out of the forest.

"Shall we take a short break?" Miroku asks causing Inuyasha to scoff as he looks back at them, while Shippou hung on his shoulder.

"Why don't you suck it up, Miroku. You know we don't have time to spare." Inuyasha answers.

"Inuyasha, you really are a fool, you know that?" Shippo inquires with an annoyed expression.

"He was suggesting we take a rest for your sake, not his, dummy.

"For my sake? Why me?" Inuyasha questions as he stares back at Shippo.

"Because your-" Inuyasha was interrupted by a sneeze causing Inuyasha to groan as snot was all over his shoulder. Taking a deep breathe in Kagome puts on a smile.

"Smells great." Kagome insists as they were coming to a villages covered in beautiful pink flowers.

"A little village." Kagome points out causing Songo to breathe in as well with a smile.

"This smell, there's something soothing about it." Songo addresses causing Inuyasha to groan as he places his hand to his nose.

"Soothing? More like sickening. It's making me dizzy it's so sweet." Inuyasha articulates, but then Shippo sneezes onto his shoulder once more causing a groan to sound out from Inuyasha.

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