Chapter 4 Priestess

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"Where did you run off to?!" Kagome exclaims with a worried expression.

"We were worried." Shippo informs as he hops up and grabs onto Kagome's shoulder. "Crap, did she have everyone go look for me?" I wonder as I placed my hand on my head.

"Sorry, I figured I'd walk around the town, While Songo was preparing for the training session." I answer causing Kagome to let out a sigh as Songo and Miroku walk over to us.

"If you had asked I would have gladly accompanied you." Miroku insists causing me to put on a uncomfortable expression.

"Yeah..." I trail off, but then Songo smirks as she rushes over to me.

"Are you ready for you're first lesson?" Songo asks and I nod causing her to grab my hand and leads me to a clear area and everyone else follows after us.

"I need to evaluate you so... Have you ever fought with a weapon before?" Songo asks.

"No, I'm more accustom to fighting with my fists." I answer causing Songo to raise an eyebrow.

"Alright then we'll start with a little hand to hand combat." Songo insists as Kirara jumps off her shoulder and she begins creating space between us.

"But, Songo aren't you still recovering?!" Shippo exclaims causing me to put on a worried expression as I look over to where Kagome, Shippo, Miroku and surprisingly Inuyasha was standing.

"It's fine. Now come at me (Y/N)." Songo instructs causing me to put on a serious expression.

"If you insist." I states as I begin rushing towards her. "They said she was recovering so I won't go all out." I think as I go to punch her, but she dodges my advance and get behind me. "She's pretty fast..." I think as I quickly turn to face her and go to kick her, but she dodges it once more and goes to punch me. Leaning backwards, I dodge her as I place my hands on the ground and kick over almost hitting Songo.

"You're pretty flexible." Songo compliments as I comeback up. "Holding back was a mistake." I think as I smirk.

"And you're pretty fast, but-" I interrupt myself as I rush towards her again faster than before causing her eyes to widen and she dodges at the last second, but I look over to see I grazed her cheek.

"I was the fastest of my Martial Arts class." I declare causing her to rush over to me and she goes to kick me, but I bend down allowing me to dodge it as I go to make another advance at her. Quickly jumping up, Songo tries to create distance, but I rush after her and go to kick her in the head, but I stop causing the wind to blow through her hair, but she begins laughing.

"Um..." I trail off as I bring my leg down causing her to look at me with a satisfied expression.

"It's been a while since I've had such a good match. If you had gone through with that kick you would have got me, so you win." Songo explains causing everyone to walk over to us.

"That was amazing." Miroku complimented and Shippo nods.

"You're so strong, (Y/N)." Shippo points out.

"Murrow." Kirara sounds as she jumps up in my arms.

"You really went through with the Martial Arts, huh?" Kagome questions and I nod.

"Yeah, I'm glad my Dad made me learn it now actually," I respond with a slight smile as I pet Kirara, but then Inuyasha, who had been quiet finally clears his throat.

"We'll leave the village tomorrow." Inuyasha proclaims as he stared at me, but then turns and walks away causing me to look over at them.

"What was that about?" I ask causing Songo and Miroku to chuckle.

"It means he thinks you'll be able to take care of yourself." Miroku interprets and Songo nods as she holds out her hands causing Kirara to jump towards her.

"He trusts in your strength, which is hard to believe for that guy." Songo jibes. "Of course he wanted to see if I could really take care of myself or not..." I think as I roll my eyes.

"The suns starting to set so let's head back." Kagome insists as her and Shippo begin walking.

"It's weird..." I trail off causing Miroku to glance over at me.

"That you're in this era?" Miroku questions and I nod as we begin walking.

"Yeah, it doesn't seem real." I respond causing Songo to follow after us.

"Well you won't have to worry. You have the strength to survive and while we're traveling I'll teach you how to use a weapon." Songo reassures causing me to stop and bow to her.

"Thank you." I say and then look up to see her smiling, but it looked a bit sad.

"Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?!" I exclaim, but she shakes her head.

"No, you just made me nostalgic. Whelp we better get back, I'm sure Keade already has dinner ready." Songo points out as she begin walking, but in a hurry.

"Nostalgic?" I ask causing Miroku to let out a sigh.

"It's probably about her younger brother..." Miroku trails off causing me to turn to him, but he begin to chase after her. "The lecher and Songo seem to be pretty close." I think as I stop in my tracks and turn around to look at the sunset and take a seat. "I look forward to meeting you." the dark voice rang through my head causing me to put on a thoughtful expression.

"What did they mean by that?" I question as I stared up at the sky.

"So you are the girl the Sacred Tree summoned." A voice rang out causing me to look over to see a woman, who resembles Kagome a bit dressed in a red and white kimono with a bow in her hand. "Could she be a priestess, but how does she know about the Sacred Tree?" I wonder as I stare at the woman.

"Who are you?" I ask causing her to grab and arrow and draw her bow causing my eyes to widen.

"Who's fate did she tell you to change?!" The Priestess exclaims, but I put on a confused expression.

"She didn't tell me lady." I respond, which only makes her glare at me.

"You better not be lying to me." The Priestess counters as she puts the arrow back into her quiver.

"I have no reason to lie." I recounter, but she looks away from me as I stand up from where I was sitting.

"I'm Kikyo, remember it because If I find out Inuyasha is your target, I won't let you live." Kikyo threatens as weird white snake-looking demons surround her and she disappears. "Wait could she be the lady Inuyasha tow-times Kagome with?!" I wonder as I begin to walk back towards the village. "But wait... Why did she look so much like Kagome?" I wonder as I see Keade's house come into view.

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