Chapter 37 Renkotsu and Ginkotsu

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(To (Y/N) )

"Damn it, where is he?!" I exclaim as I stop and look around only to catch a glimpse of the Miasma slowly making it's way up my arm. "I need to find Kohaku before the Miasma reaches my heart!" I think, but then my eyes widen as the feeling of a single Jewel Shard appears causing me to smile.

"Thank God..." I trail off as I begin on my way towards it through treetops. Suddenly screams feel my ears causing me to pick up my pace with a concerned expression.

"Fair-weather Demon!" A boy calls out as I see an oddly familiar Monk and apprentice rush by causing me to sigh. However, the tree I was standing on suddenly beginning to fall over causing me to jump down from it.

"Grrsh!" A sound rings out causing me to look over to see what I think is a man covered in armor as I land on my feet several feet in front of it. "What the hell is that thing? Wait...!" I think as I hold out my hand to it.

"Are you a part of the band of seven?!" I exclaims causing the thing to chuckle causing me to sigh, but then several metal things rush past me and stick onto his back.

"Please don't shoot those things at me, I'm an ally." I insists causing it to make a sound as if a scoff which makes my eyes widen.

"GRRSH!" The thing sounds out as it shoots the big metal sharp cogs at me, which makes me jump up and dodge them.

"I'm not lying! I gave you and the other 6 members Jewel Shards to resurrect you guys for Naraku!" I shout causing the thing to put on a slightly confused expression, but then the sound of insects begins to ring out. "Oh, thank goodness." I sigh as they begin to surround me.

"Grrsh" The thing sounds as the metal things rush back to him and he begins walking away.

"(Y/N), it's time to go." A familiar voice rings out causing me to look over to see Kohaku standing there as he reaches his hand out to me.

"Alright..." I trail off as he grabs my hand causing the Miasma to disappear from my arm.

"You shouldn't stray from my side for so long." Kohaku adviced causing me to nod, while letting go of his hand and we jump up to a tree. "I hope the others will be okay facing a thing like that..." I think as I begin following after Kohaku through the tree tops.

(To Jakotsu)

"He will die." Jakotsu mutters as he grabs a petal off the flower he was holding and drops it.

"He won't die." Jakotsu says as he repeats his action.

"He will die." Jakotsu states, while repeating his actions again.

"He won't die." Jakotsu adds as he repeats his action one last time leaving a single petal on the flower.

"He will die." Jakotsu gasps and then throws the flower away.

"Oh, well, just when things were getting interesting. How can Renkotsu be so mean to me?" Jakotsu asks as he looks up at the sky and then sighs.

"Oh, well. I guess it can't be helped. I better finish my work here before Ginkotsu kills Inuyasha." Jakotsu insists as he gets up and begins walking down the hill he was sitting on.

"I sure hope Inuyasha stays alive until I get back. But against Ginkotsu, I don't know. Still." Jakotsu declares.

(To (Y/N) )

"There's a lot of commotion..." I trail off as I look over to see a bunch of smoke and the feeling of vibrations nearby causing Kohaku to nod.

"Ginkotsu, the one you saw earlier is fighting Inuyasha." Kohaku informs as He glances over at me.

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