Chapter 84 Magatsuhi

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It's been almost a month since the fight between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru that Naraku orchestrated, but during that time I kept feeling as if I'd missed something and it didn't help with feeling Naraku's presence all over the place. "Maybe he's been trying to sike me out or maybe he's setting up another trap..." I think when I felt an aura rush towards us making me look up to see two cyclones fall from the sky a few feet in front of us.

"Not again." I whisper as I see two gaint Demons appear from the cyclones.

"Word has spread, Sesshomaru. Rumor has it you've lost your weapon." Demon 1 chuckles.

"Lord Sesshomaru." Jaken whimpers and I scoff.

"They never learn..." I trail off making Rin look down at Jaken.

"Master Jaken, how come everyone wants to fight Lord Sesshomaru?" Rin asks making Jaken sigh.

"Honestly, these weakling swarm to challenge Lord Sesshomaru in the hopes they can defeat him now that he is weaponless. For even that would earn prestige." Jaken answers as Demon 2 cackles.

"I've always wanted to eat the flesh of a Dog Demon. It looks like this is my chance." Demon 2 asserts.

"And once we defeat you, the Human boy will be ours." Demon 1 points out making Kohaku gasp, but I only scoff.

"Not a chance." I address making Entei growl at the Demons.

"Silence!" Sesshomaru demands as he jumps up and uses his claws to kill both the Demons.

"We're leaving." Sesshomaru made known as soon as he lands on the ground. "He is definitely become more unamused by the day, but I can't blame him these Demons are starting to get really annoying." I think as I stared at Sesshomaru's back.

"Yes." Jaken responds as he begins to walk, while leading A-Un, who had Rin on his back.

"Kohaku, let's go." I articulate as I went to walk passed him with Entei.

"Oh, right." Kohaku nods, but Jaken glanced back at us.

"I trust you understood, even Lord Sesshomaru didn't quite let them finish." Jaken point out causing me to glare over at him.

"Jaken!" I warn making him gulp and then turn beginning to walk again.

"All of these Demons have been after my Shikon Jewel Shard." Kohaku informs and I let out a sigh.

"Don't worry about it, I won't let any of them lay a finger on it, not even Naraku!" I chirp with a smile causing him to let out a slight chuckle.

"Thank you, Lady (Y/N)." Kohaku thanks and I nod, but then I feel a familiar presence causing me to look up at the sky. "I could've sworn I felt Byakuya's presence close by." I think, but then turn with a suspicious expression.

(To Byakuya)

"She almost caught me..." Byakuya trails off as he was behind a tree with an uncomfortable expression.

"In other matters Sesshomaru isn't using his sword anymore. I heard that Inuyasha stole that nasty Meido Zangetsuha from him, and now the sword at his side is merely a dull piece of junk that can't cut a thing." Byakuya explains as he fly's up into the sky on his Origami crane and made his way through the air.

"Apparently what I heard was true." Byakuya insists.

(To Kagome)

She was wearing Priestess attire as she hung her school uniform up to dry with a thoughtful expression.

(To Inuyasha)

"I see. So she's gone." Kaede says as Inuyasha wore a sullen expression.

"I'm so sorry, but I couldn't save her." Inuyasha apologizes.

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