Chapter 79 Underworld

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It's been only a day since Kikyo's demise and the returning of my Soul. However, there is no time to mourn as Kohaku and I decided to travel with Sesshomaru. For some reason though it feels as if we've been traveling with purpose unlike when I traveled with them before.

"Master Jaken, why has Lord Sesshomaru brought us here?" Rin asks making me look over at her from atop Entei with Kohaku.

"How would I know? For the past few days, he appears to have been searching for something, though." Jaken answers and I nod.

"I've noticed it as well." I add causing Jaken to scoff.

"If he's searching that hard, I guess it must be important." Rin mutters as she tilts her head slightly.

"Of course it is important!" Jake bellows as he turns back to Rin, who then turns to me and Kohaku.

"I'm sorry, you two." Rin apologizes causing Kohaku to turn away from the sky and look over at her. "Why is she apologizing?" I wonder as I look down at Rin with a look of confusion.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't take you both to the Priestess in time." Rin apologizes once more causing me to shake my head.

"It's my fault. If only I was stronger." Kohaku insists as he goes to turn his head, but I shake my head.

"Don't blame yourself, I was the one at fault..." I trail off as I look down at the ground. "My body just wouldn't listen to me and even with my Soul back it's still a bit hard to move my body." I think as I clenched my fists, only to then feel a Demonic Aura in the air, while the wind blew.

"What is it?" Rin questions as everyone began to look up at the sky.

"A Demon." I respond as it looked like a giant dog flying in the sky. Suddenly, Sesshomaru caught my attention as I saw him fly up into the sky and begin transforming.

"Lord Sesshomaru, wait!" Jaken called out as I widened my eyes at the sight of another giant dog fighting against the other one. "Well there's something you don't see everyday..." I think as I see the dog Demons heading towards the ground about a yard away.

"Entei." I ordered causing him to begin walking forward making A-Un, who Rin jumped onto began to follow us.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken shouts as an explosion appears around the dog Demons that reached the ground. Once we reached them, I didn't see the giant Dog Demons, but Sesshomaru and a Demon woman, who resembled him.

"Sesshomaru. I thought that might be you." The Woman asserted causing Jaken to put on an angry expression.

"Who do you think you are?! Show a little respect! That's Lord Sesshomaru to you." Jake nagged causing me to sigh. "Can't you tell their related, you Imp." I think as I place my hand to my face.

"I can only assume you have questions about the Tenseiga your Father left you. I can think of no other reason you'd come to visit your Mother." The woman points out causing us all to gasp.

"M- M- Mo- M- M- you're his Mother?" Jaken stuttered in disbelief. "I know they looked similar, but who would have guessed she's his Mother." I think as I stared at the beautiful Demon that was Sesshomaru's Mother.

(To Kagome)

Her and Koga were sitting away from everyone and he finally turns to her.

"Kagome, are you gonna be ok?" Koga asks.

"Yeah." Kagome answers with a nod as she turns to him.

"Wish I could say that. My legs feel like they're made of lead now. I guess I just didn't expect to survive like this." Koga states causing Kagome to shake her head.

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