Chapter 62 Connection

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(To (Y/N) )

(Y/N)'s POV)

Warmth cloaked my body, but the pain I felt was unimaginable as it felt as if I was riding on Entei. However, no matter how hard I tried, my eyes would not open.

"I won't allow her to be hurt like this again, never again." Naraku's voice echoed through my ears. "Could Naraku be carrying me?" I wonder as I kept trying to open my eyes or move at all, but my body wouldn't listen to me. Suddenly, it felt as if he jumped down from something with me in his arms.

"Neigh." Entei sounds out and it sounds as if he kicks off the ground back up into the sky. "What on Earth is happening?" I continued to wonder, but then Naraku began to walk and the sound of a doors sliding open started.

"You will be safe here." Naraku's voice assured with a sort of softness in it. I felt my body being layd down onto what I assumed was a futon. Suddenly, something soft touched my Forehead causing my mind to raise. "Did I just imagine that? I wondered as I heard a sigh ring out.

"My love for you won't allow me to let you die." Naraku mutters as I then hear the ground creak and footsteps walking away, leading to the door opening and shutting. "Love...? I wondered, but my consciousness then faded away.

(To Naraku)

(Naraku's POV)

I was walking through the castle when Kanna revealed herself to me.

"Master Naraku." Kanna muttered as I smirked down at her.

"I have placed a sleeping spell on (Y/N). Kanna, I want you to make all the people here think she is the 2nd Princess and she was just attacked by assassin's." I informed her causing Kanna to nod. "That will make the people look after her and that way her body can also finish healing." I thought as I then turn away from Kanna and disappear into the darkness of the castle.

(To Soldier of the Castle)

"Everyone was dead?" Soldier 1 asks.

"Yes, everyone who was in the Birthing Room. According to the Vassals who found them the following morning, there was something very strange about their deaths. Not only that the 2nd Princess was also apparently heavily injured and is now unable to awaken." Soldier 2 answers.

"Do you think Demons were responsible?" Soldier 1 questions.

" I don't know, but they believed it was the work of Assassins cause the injury was made by that of an arrow. I do know we should count blessings that the 1st Princess, her new born, and the 2nd Princess are still alive." Soldier 2 responds.

"Buddha must have protected them."

(To (Y/N) )

(3rd POV)

Several Handmaidens and a Doctor walked into the room and begin to tend to (Y/N)'s Injury like they did last night causing her to wince, but she was still unable to open her eyes or move her body for that matter. Once they were finished they washed her with a rag and then wiped her down. Finally they dressed her in new clothes and then took their leave.

((Y/N)'s POV)

"Finally their done, my body hurts so bad..." I think as my body was aching from how rough the rags felt on my skin and trying her bandages a little too tight.

"They keep calling me 2nd Princess. Did Naraku hide me in a castle, or something?" I wondered as I wished I could move my body or even open my eyes to see where I was.

(To 1st Princess)

"A fine babe. A fine babe, indeed." The Lord insists as he was holding Naraku's Incarnation The Infant without knowing.

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