Chapter 73 Kagura's Freedom

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(To Kagura)

The words Inuyasha said repeated in Kagura's head as she was flying on her feather with a determined expression. The newly risen sun shines bright causing Kagura to squint her eyes a bit, but it didn't change the resolve in them.

"I'll go as far as I have to." Kagura mutters.

(To Songo)

Her and Kohaku were down on their knees in front of the graves as Kirara sat beside them.

"This one here is Father's grave." Songo informs as she sat white flowers onto the grave in front of them.

"The others are buried beside him." Songo addresses as Kohaku places flowers on their Fathers grave as well.

"So, you see, they're resting in peace, Kohaku." insists causing him to hold his head down as he begins to tremble causing Songo and Kirara to look at Kohaku with concerned expressions.

(To (Y/N) )

"I know Songo's trying to convince him to stay, but..." I trail off as I look up to see everyone walking into a cave causing me to shake my head and walk in after them.

"Myoga, is this the location of the anomaly you spoke of?" Miroku asks causing him to sound out in response, but a word feeling engulfs me as I was walking through the cave.

"Why does this cave feel-"

"This is Midoriko's Cave." Kagome informs causing my eyes to widen.

"Midoriko's?!" I exclaim causing them all to stop and turn to me.

"Yes, this is where she died." Miroku informs causing something inside me begin to stir.

"Are you alright?" Kagome asks.

"You don't have to come with us." Inuyasha adds causing me to shake my head.

"No, I need to see this." I answer as I walk ahead of them. "It's as if she's calling to me." I think as we make it to a terrifying statue of a Priestess with Demons all around her.

"That hole in her chest- is it supposed to be doing that?" Myoga questions causing me to narrow my eyes to see a whole in the stature chest. "That must have been were she forced out the Jewel and her lover witnessed it." I think as I stared at it in disbelief.

"You're right. It's shining." Shippo agrees.

"There's something inside it. It looks like a chrysalis." Kagome insist.

"I'll take a closer look." Miroku addresses as he goes to walk up to it, but he was repelled.

"There's some kind of barrier around it." Miroku asserts.

"Oh, dear! This must be an ill omen. There can be no other explanation." Myoga states as he jumped up and down on Inuyasha's shoulder.

"Calm down." I instruct as I walk through the barrier causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"(Y/N)?!" Shippo exclaims.

"How can you-"

"I am her Reincarnation." I interject Miroku as I let out a sigh. "It's probably just something she want me to have." I think as I walk over and grab the Chrysalis out of the whole in the statues chest, but it continues to glow.

"We should still probably keep an eye on this places for a while." Inuyasha mutters with a concerned expression.

"Why is it still glowing?" Kagome questions as I walk back over to them causing Inuyasha's nose to twitch. "This isn't from Midoriko and he knows it." I think as Inuyasha and I make eye-contact.

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