Chapter 16 Sesshomaru

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(To (Y/N) )

We were walking through the forest playing the game I taught Rin and she even got the little imp to play. "The letter "T" is next let's see if Jaken can think of anything." I think as I was walking beside A-Un, who was carrying Rin.

"Trees." Jaken finally says causing me to chuckle. "Took him long enough." I think as I then turn to Rin with a smile.

"Alright, now the letter "S" so Rin, do you see or can you think of anything beginning with that letter?" I ask causing her to look around.

" "S", um, uh, Squirrel." Rin looked over to me expectantly and I nod.

"Very good." I praise causing her to smile.

"Alright next letter is-

" "L", Lily!" Jaken chirps causing me to laugh out loud and shake my head.

"What are you laughing at?!" Jaken exclaims and I turn to him.

"The next letter was "R" Jaken." I point out causing him to scoff and roll his eyes.

"Anyways you late Father's friend certainly lives deep in the forest." Jaken states as he looks over to Sesshomaru, who had been in front leading the way.

"Uh, y-yeah." I stuttered a little as I began to feel a demon's aura.

"Welcome. I have awaited your arrival." A deep voice rings out causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.

"A voice from the sky!" Rin chirps causing both her and Jaken to look up at the trees. "No, it's not coming from the sky." I think as I look over towards Sesshomaru.

"Uh... I don't see anyone." Jaken insists as we continued to walk.

"I have been expecting you, Sesshomaru." The same voice rings out again causing me to look around at the tree's around us. " old friend of Sesshomaru's Father..." I think as we continued to walk.

"So, you say that you knew I was coming did you, old Boksano?" Sesshomaru asks causing my eyes to narrow at his back. "Could this demon be-"

"You've come to speak with me about the swords, I presume." Boksano's voice interrupted me as it rang out again, however Sesshomaru then stops in front of a tree. "So it is a demon tree like I thought... But, I wonder what it meant by swords though?" I wonder as I see a blue aura imitating from the tree, but then a face began to form in the tree causing my eyes to widen.

"Do you seek information regarding the Tessaiga, you're Father's heirloom sword? Or perhaps..." Boksano trails off. "The "Tessaiga" why is it that I feel like I've heard the name of that sword before?" I wonder, but then I hear a gasp causing me to Rin with a surprised expression.

"A tree Demon!" Rin chirps as Jaken moves up beside Sesshomaru.

"Oh, Lod Sesshomaru, what's that?" Jaken asks sounding scared. "You a demon, too Jaken. Why are you scared of a tree?" I wonder as I stared at the tree.

"A 2,000-year-old Magnolia tree." Sesshomaru answers.

"I see." Jaken says causing Boksano to stare down at him.

"It is true. The sheaths of the swords, the Tessaiga and the Tenseiga, passed down from Sesshomaru's Father, were carved from my very own boughs." Boksano declares causing my eyes to widen.

"They were?" Jaken questions causing me to narrow my eyes at the tree. "Wait... Doesn't the Tessaiga belong to-"

"Boksano, perhaps you can explain the link to me. Between Inuyasha and the Tessaiga." Sesshomaru states and a slight grin appears on my face. "I knew it, but why would Sesshomaru want to know about Inuyasha and his sword?" I wonder as Boksano looked bewildered.

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