pranks pt 2

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calling your bf a different name

You grab your camera and after filming your usual intro, you place the camera on your vanity in the corner of the room and throw one of Jack's hoodies over it to make sure it was hidden. You sit on the bed waiting for Jack who had let you know he'll be home soon.


20 mins later

You hear the door open and close before footsteps make their way to your room. Jack walks in, dropping his bag to the floor before flopping onto the bed.

"Hi babe," You say as you run your hands through his hair. "How was the studio?"

"It was alright. I missed you though." He rolls over and lays his head on your chest, watching as you scroll through tiktok on your phone.

You spend a few minutes just scrolling through tiktok, with Jack occasionally laughing at a video that popped up before he started getting bored. He sits up a bit before he leans in placing a kiss on your lips, pulling a way and placing multiple quick kisses.

"Jack stoppp, i'm trying to watch tiktok." You break away and giggle.

"Don't care. Gimme a kiss." He mutters, leaning back in but you turn your head just before his lips landed on yours and instead landed on your cheek. He pulls away with a pout before giving up and placing his head back on your chest.

As usual, the peace doesn't last long and he starts placing kisses along your jaw and neck. You let out a sigh.

"Chris stop." You say, waiting for Jack's reaction.  His lips freeze as you carry on watching a video.

"What?" He pulls away from you completely choosing to sit up. His face was blank and his thoughts were unreadable.

"I said, Jack stop." You couldn't lie, you were nervous as he stared at you. He shook his head before standing up off the bed. 

"Nah, you called me Chris... Who the fuck's Chris?" You sigh as you shake your head.

"I dunno what you're talking about babe I don't even know a Chris." You exit the tiktok app and turn your phone off, as your about to place it down next to you he snatches it out your hands.

"Don't play with me Y/N." He scoffs. You stand up to reach for your phone in his hands and he pulls it away out of your reach.

"Give me my phone Chris- I mean Jack." You correct yourself quickly, and he glared at you as he goes to unlock your phone and frowning even deeper when he sees you've changed it.

"You just did it again Y/N!" He runs his hands through his hair. "And why've you changed your password that's mad shady."

"You're just reaching." You roll your eyes and reach your arms out to him. He scoffs and takes a step back.

"Don't touch me Y/N... Who the fuck's Chris!?" He shouts as he steps closer to you.

"I told you I don't know what you're talking about," You stare up at him. "...Chris." You try and keep a straight face but the smile you've been fighting to hide the whole time creeps onto your face.

"What's funny?" He frowns as you laugh, not catching on.

"It's a prank babe." You point to the camera and he lets out a sigh, sitting on the bed and running his hands over his face. You pick the camera up and walk over before sitting on his lap facing him.

"It's not funny. I was bout to knock someone out." He whines as he wraps his arms around your waist and hiding his face in your chest as you get the both of you in frame.

"We both know you weren't gonna fight anyone."You laugh and he pulls away rolling his eyes. He rolls you both over to get out from underneath you and lays on his side with his back to you.

"He's mad guys," You turn the camera to show him with his back to you. "But i hope you liked the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you aren't already, byee!" You say before turning the camera off.

"I'm gonna get you back." Jack huffs as he rolls over to face you with a grumpy look. You laugh before straddling him and showing just how sorry you are.

I'm leaving you prank

"How do you- oh," I step back as I manage to figure the camera out. "What's up guys. I'm back on Y/N's channel and this is war now, so I'm doing the 'I'm leaving you' prank." I smile into the camera.

"I got her to go to the store so she won't be back for a while. But it's time for my revenge so I'm gonna be in our closet packing my shit, she'll probably kill me but whatever." I shrug. I hide the camera on a shelf in the closet before pulling out a suitcase shoving some clothes in.

After five minutes, I hear the front door open making me look up at the camera with a smirk and placing a few more clothes in.

"Babe they didn't have any ranch." Y/N yells and I can hear her searching downstairs for me before walking up the stairs.

She finally walks into the room and walks over to me with a confused look. "What are you doing?"

"Packing." I mutter. She frowns and looks over my shoulder to the suitcase half full of my clothes.

"I can see that but why? Have you got another show somewhere?" She asks and I have to bite down on my lip.

"No," I sigh and stand up to pull some more clothes of the racks. "I'm leaving you. I don't wanna do this anymore." I bite the bullet and turn to face her.

Her face drops as she looks at me. I have to look away before i end up ruining the prank already.

"W-What why?" She bites her lip as she waits for my answer. I shrug and throw some more clothes into my suitcase.

"I just don't wanna be with you anymore." I explain taking a quick glance at her.

"Did I do something?" She asks and I can hear her voice shake. I shake my head.

"Do you have my hoodie? The white one." I ask as I walk past her pretending to search for it.

"What? Stop packing and listen to me!" She yells behind me but I ignore her and walk back into the closet but before I can make it she pulls me back by my shirt.

"Don't touch me man." I scoff and pull away from her pretending to be angry but she grabs my arm.

"No Jack! You can't just say you're leaving me and not tell me why!" Her eyes start to water and I frown, trying not to cave in.

"I don't have to explain nothing to you. I don't wanna speak to you so let me leave." I snatch my arm away and walk back to the closet and packing some more clothes before sipping my suitcase up.

As I go to leave the closet i hear sniffling. I walk into our room and see Y/N sat on the bed crying, trying not to cave in I clear my throat and she looks up at me with a frown.

"What did I do? You wont tell me why it's not fair." Y/N says as tears fall down her face. I keep a straight face even though I was itching to end the prank.

"You didn't do anything. I just wanna leave." I say and she nods before walking out the bedroom. I frown and quickly run to get the camera.

I follow her cries as she walks towards the bathroom. I quickly get in front of her.

"It's just a prank babe," I said and she stops crying as she stares at me. I let out a nervous laugh and she shakes her head turning to walk off but I pull her into my chest. "I'm sorry baby but I had to get you back."

"It's not funny Jackman." She mumbles and buried her head in my chest. I laugh and place a kiss on the top of her head.

"Thanks for watching. Leave a like or comment and subscribe if you aren't already. Byee... Say bye ma it's your channel."

"Fuck off." She mumbles and I laugh as we both wave to the camera before shutting it off.

"I'm sorry baby. C'mon I'll show you how sorry I am." I say and pick her up walking us both to the bedroom.

Jack Harlow ImaginesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα