son's wedding

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life's being a bitch atm and i'm not a fan of how it turned out but i wanted to get this out so enjoy.

Today was the day you oldest son, Kai, was getting married. You walk down the hallway to his hotel room coming from his soon-to-be-wife's room, she looked beautiful. You knocked on the hotel room and hear shuffling before your husband's curls poke out from behind the door.

"It's just your mom it's fine." Jack smiles as he sees you, opening the door wider so you can step in.

His groomsmen, Jack and Urban stood in the room all dressed in black classy suits were the only people you could see in the room as you look around. Your younger son, Lucas who was the best man steps out of the bathroom with a hiss before looking over at you.

"Mom, he's freaking out he won't leave the bathroom." He rolls his eyes. You couldn't help the little chuckle what fell out of your mouth.

"I'll handle this." You say and knock on the bathroom door before letting yourself in. Kai, who was sat on the closed toilet seat stands up when he sees you. You couldn't help the smile that creeped on your lips when you see him dressed smartly in his tux, apart from the tie that was yet to be tied and the top few buttons of his dress shirt undone.

"You better not be having second thoughts." You say with an eyebrow raised. Kai sighs and rubs his hands over his face.

"I'm not," He pauses. "What if she thinks she's making a mistake?" You sigh at his confession, walking closer to him as you do the rest of the buttons of his shirt.

"If she thought she was making a mistake it wouldn't be your wedding day. It's just some pre-wedding jitters," You say. "Now come here, let me fix your tie."

As you do his tie, you look up at him with a smile. He reminded you of Jack on your wedding day.

"There we go," You say as you finish doing up his tie. "Now let's get you married." You smooth down the lapels of his jacket and step away and move towards the door.

"Thank you mom." Kai whispers and as you turn around he brings you into a hug, you hug him back and leave a kiss on his cheek before pulling away. You both walk out of the bathroom and the boys let out a breath of relief.

"How did you do that? We were trying to get him out of there for ages." Jack walks over to you and asks. You just smile and shrug.

"Mother's instinct, I guess." You look over at your sons. Looking at the clock on the wall, you gasp when you realise you have to leave for the reception now.
You and Jack sit down in the front row with your parents, Jack's parents, Clay and Urban. Kai walked down the aisle and is followed by Lucas as they get in their positions at the top of the altar. As the guests are seated the noise slowly starts to quiet down before coming to a full stop as the doors open and the Bridal course started.

Kai looks over at you and Jack nervously and you both send him a subtle thumbs up. Everyone's attention turns to the door as they watch the bridesmaids walk down the aisle escorted by a groomsmen before the bride enters, her arm wrapped round her father's before she meets Kai at the top.

The ceremony continues, and the bride and groom both have huge smiles on their face as they say their vows. Your eyes started to water as they placed the rings on each other.

As the couple have their first kiss as a married couple, the room is full of cheers as they walk towards the open doors. They make their way to the car what would take them to the reception as everyone starts following.

After the pictures were done, everyone had eaten and the speeches were done the party was in full swing. Though Kai wasn't too happy about his brothers speech, telling everyone embarrassing stories from their childhood and teenage years.

You watched from where you were sat as the couple have their first dance as husband and wife as you spoke to your new in-laws. Jack walks over from the bar.

"Care for a dance?" He says with a posh accent and holds his hand out as the DJ announces people can now join them.

"I would love a dance." You put your hand in his and he pulls you to the dance floor. Jack wraps his arms round your waist as you place yours round his neck, slowly swaying you both.

"We did good, huh?" Jack whispers, you look over at Kai before turning back to Jack.

"We did." You smiled, Jack leans down and gives you a kiss before you both hear a groan behind you. Turning around you both come face to face with Lucas.

"I don't care how old I am, it's always gonna be gross." Lucas says, shaking his head. Jack puts a hand over his shoulder.

"You'll find someone soon, son, don't worry." Jack cuts himself off with a laugh as Lucas rolls his eyes, muttering something about getting another girls before walking away.

"They're both way too much like you when you were there age." You say and roll your eyes.

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