winning you back

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Jack hasn't touched a drink for a long time, but for some reason, this break-up made him turn to alcohol. Maybe it was to stop thinking about you, which, if anything it made him think about you more.

"Jack? What the hell, it's 2 in the morning," you turned on your bed side lamp, when you heard him cry through the speaker of your phone. Never in the 3 years you were together, have you ever seen or heard him cry.

"I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry that I hurt you, ma.. I just really need you back.."

He was clearly drunk, you weren't used to it and didn't like the idea of leaving him wandering around the city in that state, so you ended up picking him up, then driving to your place, since it was closer.

"Drinking isn't the solution, you know?" you whispered, feeling his eyes trained on you.

"I thought it would make me forget.."

"About what?"

"About how much I hurt you."

That was the worst thing for him. Knowing that he was the one who caused your hurt.

And while alcohol usually wasn't the solution, it was in your case. After that night, you two started talking again.

Jack Harlow ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now