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I'm going to be releasing the first couple of chapters of the new book soon (hopefully)!


ignoring gf
*jacks pov*

"Yo guys, it's Jack welcome to Y/N's channel, a lot of you have been in my DM's asking me to do the ignoring your girlfriend prank, so since I don't have my own channel imma use hers."

After setting the cameras up and making sure they were hid, I walk back over to one of the cameras.

"Alright Y/N said she'll be home in 5 so we just need to wait for her to come back for the prank to begin."

10 minutes later
*no ones POV*
"Hey babe, sorry I was late traffic was bad."You say as you walk through the door, Jack just hums in response without looking up from his phone, you didn't think anything of it and walked into the kitchen putting the bags you were holding on the counter.

"What do you want for dinner tonight? i went to the store and got a few things on my way back." No answer.

You frown and repeat yourself, only to be given no answer again. Ignoring the feeling of sadness growing in the bottom of your stomach, you sit next to him on the couch.

fast forward

"Babe look at this," You turn your phone to Jack so he could see the screen, but he just looks at you and back to the TV which makes you roll your eyes.

"Jack." No answer.
After about 15 minutes of watching re-runs you try to cuddle up to him, to which he just shrugs you off and moves to the other side of the couch.

You huff and get up of the sofa and go to your bedroom, making a point of slamming the door.

After 5 minutes and you had still not came down, Jack decided to check on you.

Grabbing the camera from the corner of the room, he gives the camera look.

"I think I pissed her off, so wish me luck guys." He whispers as he walks up the stairs, heading for your shared bedroom.

"Hi." He cheeses as he opens the door and climbs into bed next to you.

You look up from your phone and roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, "Now you wanna speak to me?"

"What if I told you it was just a prank?" He says and pulls you into him, showing you both in the frame. You roll your eyes and look into the camera.

"What if I told you, you had a small dick?"

Jack looks at the camera with a blank face, as you giggle.

"If it's so small then why do you have a hard time ge-"

And the camera cuts off.

cheating prank
*your POV*

You had spent all week planning the perfect prank for payback, as soon as you told Urban of the plan he was down. When Jack had let you know he needed to go to the studio for some last minute checks, you knew this was the perfect opportunity.

"Hi guys welcome to my channel," you smile into the camera you had positioned on your drawers, "So about a week ago Jack decided it would be a good idea to prank me," You make a serious face at the camera.

"If you didn't know, this is his best friend, Urban," You turned around to show Urban in frame, "And it's time for payback." You both gave a run down on the prank while getting ready. You give yourself a few fake hickeys and  do the same on Urban.

Your phone dinged, signally a notification from none other then Jack himself letting you know he's on his way home and won't be long. You and Urban look at each other with wide eyes before you throw one of Jack's hoodies over it, making sure you couldn't see it.

Both of you messed up your hair before getting into the bed, you had one a tube too so he couldn't see any straps, hopefully making it look like you have no top on while Urban just had sweatpants on.

"He's going to kill us both y'know, maybe not you, but definitely me," Urban says and looks over to you.

The front door slams open before you can reply and you and Urban get into position. Your heart pounds when Urban gets on top of you, holding himself up so he doesn't squash you.

"Y/N, Urban?" Jack calls out to you both and walks towards your room when he gets no answer. Hearing his footsteps get a little closer you and Urban start breathing heavily.

"Does Urban have a girl round? Sorry you've had to be left alone while he's got someone round-" He finishes his sentence as he gets to your shared room, freezing at the sight infront of him.

His best friend on top of his girlfriend.

You and Urban pretend to break away from each other, wrapping the covers over you bodies.

"What the fuck is happening" Jack said, his jaw clenching, looking round for a camera and when he couldn't find one his heart sunk. And then he looked ready to murder someone.

"Is this a prank?" He asks, looking between you both. "Y/N."

"I'm sorry," You made your voice sound small, looking down.

"You piece of shit," Jack spits at Urban, nostril flared and fists clenched tight. "I can't fucking believe you, you're my best friend," He steps toward you both, looking ready to fight, before stepping backwards and walking out the room. 

Urban gets off the bed and follows after him, they move into the hallway, Jack trying to leave the apartment and Urban trying to get him to stop and then you hear a loud noise. You quickly grab the camera, running into the hallway thinking one of them had hurt the other, just in time to see that Jack had punched a hole through the wall. 

"Are you going to yell at me too? I'm sorry, I deserved it," You say trying to calm him down, while walking over to him in the doorway. He had failed to notice the camera in your hands in his fit of anger.

"I don't even want to look at you, you better be out by the time i get back." He spits, taking a deep breath and slips out the front door with you hot on his trail.

"It's a prank," You called, though you were sure he didn't hear you, "Babe, it's a prank!" You called again through the complex hallways. He turns at the top step, ready to argue, when he sees the camera in your hand and the other in Urban's.

He runs his hands through his hair, letting out a breath he didn't know he had been holding, Urban's laughter filling the hallway.

"It's just a prank," You repeat, grabbing his hands and running your thumb over his bruising fists. His arms wrap around you tightly, and buried his head into your neck.

"Don't do that to me, I thought I was going to die," He says and you pull his face to look at you, noticing his eyes were slightly red.

"I'm sorry," You whisper and place little pecks on his lips, "I would never do that."

"Don't ever do that to me again."

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