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"Look at what your mum just sent in the post!" Jack chuckled out loud as he switched on the tv and played a very familiar looking video.

"Very good, Y/N!!" You heard someone say in that video.

At the mention of your name, you then realised that it was one of your home videos that your mom had filmed when you had just learnt how to walk and were still pretty wobbly.

"You was so cute!" Jack cooed as he pinched your cheeks.

"Alright, that's enough for today, hmm?" you tried snatching the remote from Jack. But unfortunately for you, he had quicker reflexes than you thought.

"C'mon!! you look so cute," Jack whined, raising his hand up in the air as you tried to snatch the remote from him.

"if you don't give the remote to me right now, then i will— uhm," you paused for a second or two and then continued, "—no sex or kisses!"

Proud of the ultimatum that you presented him with, you wore a satisfied smile on your face. You put your hand forward, very sure that he would probably give in by now and hand the remote over to you.

But Jack wasn't one to back down, though. "Well, sorry to break it to you, ma. But that won't work," he laughed as he placed a sneaky peck on your lips and ran away with the remote still in his hands, you were already plotting your revenge.

Jack Harlow ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now