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You wouldn't say you were the jealous type. You could handle his fans comments and when he was away on tour, you knew you could trust him. You knew this is what came with dating a celebrity.

He was invited to another party tonight, and you decided to come with him. For the most part, the night was good, you were dancing with Naleem, doing a few shots here and there but the sight infront of you nearly made you sober up. Jack was stood near a bar, a girl who you didn't recognise stood a little to close for your comfort. They were laughing, and when she started running her hands over his shoulders and he didn't stop her, you had had enough. Is this what he was like when you weren't around?

"Hey babe," as soon as he turns his head to your direction, you land a kiss on his lips and turn to the girl.

"Hi i'm Y/N, his girlfriend," you empathise the word. "What's your name?"

"Oh... I'm just going," the girl clearly not happy he has a girlfriend, walks away.

"bitch." You had meant to say it to yourself, you swear. But you could tell Jack had heard you from the funny look he gave you.

"What was that about?" You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest.

"what was that about? Are you being serious Jack, did you not see her flirting with you? I saw it all the way from the dance floor," He has had his fair share of women to know when one was flirting.

"She was a fan, you know i try and give them enough attention as i c-"

"As you should, i understand that Jack. But the whole night? She was practically feeling you up and you did nothing! It's like you don't even care about my feelings, how do i know you don't always do this or something worse has happened," With that you turned around not bothering to listen to what he had to say and leave the club.

You weren't sure exactly where you were walking, but you knew that your heels were killing, you were cold and just wanted to go home and be in your warm bed with Jack.

The sound of a car slowly pulling up to the side of you made you look up, you knew who it was as soon as you saw the car. You got in, rather being in his company then these shoes a second longer.

"i know you probably don't want to talk to me, but get in the car i need you to listen," he paused while you got into the car, "I spoke to Urban after you left, I didn't realise that's how it looked. I'm sorry for tonight, for embarrassing you, it will never happen again i promise. And you know i would never cheat on you right? You're the best thing that's happened to me,"

You didn't even realise you had gotten home until you felt the car stop. Knowing you had to talk to him, you turned around in your seat, coming face to face with Jack since the whole thing happened.

"I didn't mean to come off as a bitch. I just- i just get insecure sometimes, you have so many pretty girls around you all the time and it scares me." You sniffled, all of your insecurities what you tried to push down bubbling to the surface.

Jack reached over the console, placing his hand round the back of your neck and pulling you so your foreheads were touching, "I don't care about them girls, they're nothing compared you, okay? I just care about you. You're the only one for me."

A small smile fell on your lips as you looked down to your lap, Jack lifts your head up and gives you a few quick pecks on the lips before reaching to open his door, looking back at you.

"Let's get to bed, yeah?"

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