focus on me

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There was a huge project that you had to present in front of many people, it was crucial for your work. You were being recognized for your talent and intelligence. However, it was a lot of pressure. You didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially your coworkers and bosses. It was a big moment for you, but just as the day arrived, you were terrified and anxious to say the least.

You stood outside of the designated room in which you would share your big presentation and present your project to everyone. You peeked into the room, already seeing all the seats filled, as well as your bosses in the front row. You felt hot and your heart was racing. your boyfriend, Jack, was here to support you. He smiled proudly at you and grasped your shoulders as he noticed your panicked expression.

"Hey," he softly called, "focus on me."

You turned to him, meeting his eyes. He smiled, "You're going to do amazing. You've worked so hard on this project, and they're going to see that. You have nothing to worry about."

looking into Jack's eyes, and feeling his comforting presence, you took a big breath to calm your nerves. You smiled, "I can do this."

Jack grinned happily. "i know you can."

When it was your cue, Jack pressed a hard kiss to your lips. It caught you off guard, no doubt, but it also erased all other doubts and panicked feelings. You nailed your presentation, and everyone clapped and smiled in the end. Your bosses were proud, Jack was proud, and you could tell by the way he kissed you as soon as you were in front of him again.

Jack Harlow ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now