first meetings

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Jack didn't know why he was so fascinated by you.

You were pretty, extremely pretty, actually, but it was also the way you laughed that had him want to laugh too. Maybe it was the way you were handling the child that was with you, even though he had no idea in what relation it was to you. A cousin? Sibling? Maybe just the kid you babysat? Or maybe even your own kid? He had no idea, but he loved how you acted around them.

So when you and the kid entered the store, the child heading straight to the toy section with you hot in their heels, he couldn't help but follow and overhear the conversation between you two.

"Pleeeease Y/N! I'll do anything!"

"I'm sorry, love, it's too expensive. I can't afford it."

"I'll pay you back when I have the money, I proooomise."

You knelt down in front of the kid and let out a long sigh, "I'm really sorry. Maybe some other time, okay?"

The kid didn't throw a fit. The kid was incredibly well behaved and just nodded, even though the pout was clearly visible.

Jack bit his lower lip. Was it you? Or maybe the kid? Whatever it was, he found himself walking towards you without really thinking twice about it, asking, "How about I'll buy it for you?"

"What?" you got up from the child's height looking a bit alarmed, even though he didn't look like a pervert or something.

"Really?" the kid, on the other hand, already jumped up and down, "I'll pay you back, I promise!"

"You don't have to pay me back," Jack laughed and turned his head to look at you, "But.. maybe I could take out your.."


"Well maybe i could take your cousin on a date, how does that sound?"

If he were anyone else, you would have been suspicious and blown him off already. But there was this sincerity in his eyes that made you believe he really did want to take you out on a date. This sincerity that he wanted to make the kid happy and you know, get a date with the cute girl that was with the kid? Plus you couldn't deny he was attractive, his eyes held contact with yours waiting for an answer.

Well.. why not, right?

"I'd... Like that,"

He smiles and pulls out his phone asking for your number before saying his goodbyes to you and the kid. As he was walking away he couldn't help but take one more look at you, you really was beautiful and he hoped there would be more dates with you in the future.

Jack Harlow ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now