Chapter 60.) Touchy Subject

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While Ava and Lucky were getting updates on their little one, a very irritated King was trying to understand why his youngest decided to make nice with the blue side but the conversation grew a bit intense.

"Whoa there, what the he— what's going on?" Renae asked, turning the vacuum off when Assyria slammed the front door.

"Your husband acting like a lunatic," she mumbled, trying to walk away but Renae grabbed her arm just as King barged in with his face twisted up.

"Sy, I will give my life for you but don't you ever in yo life tell me to mind my fucking business!"

Confused, Renae stared at Assyria and quirked a brow, "You said what?"

"He was in there acting crazy,"

"That's not what I asked," Renae tilted her head slightly.

"It slipped ou—"

"What in your right mind possessed you to walk into a building full of detectives and shady ass cops?!" The anger was laced heavily in King's tone as he cut Assyria's response off.

"Okay wait," Renae sighed. This was their official day back from vacation and this was not how she expected things to be. "King... sit down, you too," she stared at Assyria.

Staring at her father for a moment, Assyria slowly headed into the living room. King glanced at Renae and she gave him her famous look before he sat down.

Renae sat in between the pair then glanced at Assyria, "Ok, what happened? Did you get called in or something?"

"No, I just wanted to ask some darn questions about how they caught dad and stuff."

King frowned, "Dat doesn't even make sense, why would you go up there asking about me?"

Assyria shrugged.

"Sy," Renae stared at her.

"I just... you guys don't tell us things and I just wanted to know."

"Know what?" King frowned. He was upset because the parts of him that he tried to keep away from his kids seemed to be making their way around.

"Did you really kill like a hundred innocent people?"

"Where'd you get that from?" It was Renae's turn to frown.

"I googled us... well Dad," she muttered.

"I'm just..." Renae paused, "why? You know enough as is Sy."

"Well, I wanted to see what a stranger would find if they dug deep enough."

"A stranger... like your girlfriend?" Renae queried.


"And you decided dat your best bet would be to go in a building full of detectives?" King stared at her dubiously. "You don't need to know everything."

"I'm old enough to know."

"And so are your siblings and does it look like I'm telling dem about tha' stupid stuff I've done? I tell y'all what y'all should know not what you want to hear. It's called a past for a reason."

"It almost got me killed!"

Renae and King stared at one another then at Assyria and tilted their head in sync.

"Say less," standing, King walked away.

Renae's brows furrowed as she eyed Assyria, "What was that? What happened with you had nothing to do with your father Assyria."

"Murphy was there!" She screamed.

"Who you yelling at?!" Renae matched her tone.

Closing her eyes, Assyria took a deep breath, "Things dat has happened to us somehow line up with dad's past."

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