Chapter 18.) Dangerous

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"Stinka butt?" Kaari called to Neela as she ran past the room.

Backtracking with a bowl of grapes in her hand, Neela stared at her, "Yes?"

"Where yuh going?"

"Play with Ommy,"

Kaari chuckled, the nicknames her niece had for everyone were something out of this world, "Ok," she stood, "Is Nana in di living room?"

"Her gone," she popped a grape into her mouth before running away.

Laughing, Kaari picked up her overnight bag then glanced at Reign, "Yuh ok?"

"No... it's fine tho," she mumbled, staring at the TV.

"Has he called?"

Reign reached over and grabbed her phone before tossing it toward her.

Picking it up, Kaari scrolled through the many messages, "He needs rehab, Ray."

"Nuh mi problem."

Sighing, Kaari placed the phone down and laid beside her, "Wanna get high?"

Reign chuckled, "Kaari move."

Giggling, she placed her chin on her arm, "I love yuh and whatever yuh decide, I'll support, ok?"

Reign nodded.

"How long do yuh tink we'll ave to be here?"

Reign shrugged, "Dad has lost his mind."

"We're working his nerves," Kaari chuckled.

"Nuh put dis on mi," Reign frowned.

"Well... "Kaari paused, "Wi should ave told him before tingz got heavy."

Reign cut her eyes at her, "Kaari."

"Ok," she sat up, "Sorry... Kai just got mi tinking dah all."

"Well stop."

"Copy dah," she stood, "I'll be bak... gotta get some more clothes,"

"Bring mi laptop."

Kaari stared at her for a moment then nodded, "Yur nuh supposed to be working."

Reign huffed, "Kar."

"Fine fine," sighing, Kaari grabbed her keys and headed out, "Hey, Ace seems to be watching di kids, so get some sleep."

"Sounds nice," Reign mumbled, returning her gaze to the TV.

"Just try," Kaari said before walking away.

Dropping her phone into her bag, she turned the corner and walked right in Lucky, "Yur big self," she laughed, rubbing her forehead.

Lucky cracked a smile and moved to the side, "My bad... where you going?"

"Pick up some extra clothes, mi mum left?"

"I 'ont know, I just got up," he chuckled.

"Oh..." she pursed her lips, "Neela said she's gone... I'll call once I leave from here."

Nodding he began to walk but stopped and glanced at her, "How she holding up?"

Kaari was confused for a moment until she realized he was talking about Reign, "Di same... yuh nuh ave to avoid her."

Lucky glanced behind him before walking toward her and whispered, "Look, Neela is my dawg but I ain't on whatever she tryna do."

Kaari scrunched her face up, "Bwoy, shi didn't mean to come onto yuh... yur nice... yuh usually aren't."

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