Chapter 55.) Love Like That

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After dropping Kairo off, Lucky made a quick stop at the store to grab a few groceries and another pack of paper towels per Ava's request. The sun turned in for the evening and the moon's phase of the night was the waxing gibbous. It was a pretty sight for those in awe of nightlife and astrology. The streets were surprisingly busy and the weather had indeed changed in a matter of minutes. Lucky was used to cold weather, but he would admit that Virginia had some of the wildest events pertaining to its indecisive weather.

After putting the few groceries away, and doing a typical walkthrough of the home, Lucky adjusted the heat and headed upstairs. He was shocked that Ace hadn't run down like he usually did but it seemed as if the further along Ava became in her pregnancy, Ace made it his obligation to stay by her side by any means. Lucky knew it was a reason he chose the pup to bring home but the more Ace proved himself worthy of being there, the more Lucky became content with his decision.

Getting a second dog was on his mind but he wanted to wait until after the baby was born. Ava's night terrors were still a problem but they've been at ease for a couple of days which was a good sign for the pair. Making it into the dimly lit room with the diffuser going, the smell of peppermint and vanilla hit Lucky's face and unconsciously relaxed his body. If it was one thing he discovered about Ava, she was always going to have every room in the house smelling good.

Wanting to bother her as she slept but also knowing that was a bad idea, Lucky made his way into the bathroom.

During his lengthy shower, he took a few minutes to mentally unwind and clear his thoughts of the day.

Thinking about the heartfelt conversation he and Kairo shared an hour ago, he rested on the words for a while. He did love Kairo. It may have been a bit difficult for him to verbalize those words but whatever Kairo needed or wanted, Lucky had no problems getting or giving. Kairo was like a little brother to him. They were going to be related by marriage soon but still, before proposing crept into his thoughts, Lucky had already deemed Kairo as his brother and it made him protective over him.

Of course, Kairo was capable of protecting himself and had a family that would do the same, but the tighter the pair became, the more Lucky felt as if it was his responsibility to make sure no harm would come to him. It was just how he was wired, which was why it was a good thing for people to stay on his good side and not his bad. But he did love Kairo and had no problems with taking him under his wing.

He'd admit that at times Kairo could and have gotten on his nerves but that was his personality and it was how he showed love. Lucky had to get used to that and he did.

Shifting his thoughts elsewhere. Camille crept into his mind and he just laughed at how animated she could be. She was a sweet soul but Lucky knew his little sister, she knew better and could have had a much better trip had she done what she knew she was supposed to. He had already mentally booked her flight back home the moment he found out that she called Ava out of her name.

She was his sister, therefore his responsibility but she was a grown woman, and using her disorder to excuse her rude behavior wasn't flying with him. He didn't work as hard as he did to get her out of Philly, pay for her esthetician classes, and give her the money to open up her beauty spa for her to show her ass the way that she had. He had one request and she couldn't uphold her deal. He also knew that she could talk some good shit but fighting was not in her but from the outside looking in, a woman who didn't know, would think that Camille could take on a bear and win.

Her bark was indeed bigger than her bite and Lucky did not need her getting herself involved in a fight he knew she would sadly lose. He loved her and understood that she missed him but there were reasons why he always kept his distance from her and their aunt. They always wanted to talk about Mama Allen and his traumas. Things that he's asked them plenty of times not to do but whenever he would visit, they couldn't help themselves.

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