Chapter 3.) Moment

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People hurt people. Hurt people, hurt people. Sometimes humans can be selfish beings. They can be blind to the needs of others or often consumed with other things that take their attention away from the person or people that needed it or them the most. Sometimes it was intentional. Other times it was by mistake, but trying to explain that to a scorned person was like talking to a brick wall.

It is a sad thing to be privy to a person reaching their breaking point and going off the deep end with no means to stop nor no longer yearning for help. It is an unfortunate truth that nearly we all have been hurt by another. A friend. A parent. Or parents. A sibling or cousin. Sometimes a coworker or school mate can hurt you. Sometimes the one that has hurt does not even realize it because they haven't made it known. That leads to resentment.

You become bitter. Disrespectful, even. The hurt. The rage. The resentment, makes you feel as if you have been betrayed. Played for a fool. It makes you feel like a shadow or as if you meant nothing to those who claimed to love you. Promised to always be there for you. The presence of resentment can have so much control over one's heart and mind, and taste so can consume one's heart so quickly and taste so perversely scrumptious when you began to act out.

It boosts your pride when you see that your actions are hurting those that you felt hurt you. The power of revenge begins to taste sweet on your tongue, so you continue to chase that high. Coming for any and everybody in your path, just wanting them to feel your wrath.

You become engrossed in the evil that you're doing, that you fail to realize that the ones that you are hurting never deserved the pain that you decided to bestow upon them due to your own rage. You see that they want to love you. You see that they want to be there for you, but you keep pushing them away. Hurting them because it makes you feel good. It makes you feel as if you have the power. But you don't realize that after the smoke clears and the rage settles, the guilt reappears.

But none of that mattered at the moment as Assyria lay in bed with her AirPods booming in her ears. Her windows slightly lifted, allowing the nights cool air to circulate the bedroom. The moon peeked into the bedroom and glistened upon her. One foot digging into her mattress and the other outstretched. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted as she moaned softly as she fingered herself.

The women moaning in her ears further aroused her as she rolled her hips and inserted a second finger. Her chest rose and fell with irregular breaths as she plunged her fingers faster.

Right thereee, the moans grew louder in her ears and Assyria quickened her pace.

"Fuck!" She gritted, throwing her head back.

Fire brewed within and traveled through her veins as her heart raced wildly. She was close and just needed to hold on a little while longer.

Bucking her hips vigorously, her moaning grew louder as her nectar coated her fingers. The women's cries of pleasure put her in a trance and before she knew it; she was raining all over.

"Sss-shit," she panted, removing her left AirPod and picked up her phone.

Ready to rewind the explicit video, there was a knock on her door and she instantly became annoyed.

"Assyria?" Renae called.

"Go away," she groaned.

There was a brief silence before Renae opened the door, "You wanna correct your attitude and act like you have some sense?"

Assyria stared blankly at her, "I was busy."

Renae squinted, "Trust me, I heard. What the hell you in here doing?" Renae stepped inside and closed the bedroom door after flicking the light on. "Sy, I know you ain't in here watching porn," she cut her eyes to the phone.

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