Chapter 28.) Ride The Wave

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"When yuh said we were going out, I did not tink yuh meant surfing," Reign said to Renae as she looked her attire over then frowned, "Mum."

Renae laughed, "I told y'all this last night after dinner

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Renae laughed, "I told y'all this last night after dinner."

"She was drunk," Kaari snickered.

"Sounds like a personal problem," Ary laughed.

"OK!" Renae slapped hands with her just as the surfer walked over with his board.

"Aloha," he greeted.

"Morning," the kids spoke.

"Aloha," Renae and Ary said and he chuckled.

"I'm Noa," he bowed slightly.

"Interesting," Kaari looked him over before placing her shades on.

Renae cut her eyes at her and smirked, "What?" she whispered.

"I'm married," Kaari replied before standing next to Reign, "Gyal he cute."

"Lord have mercy," Renae busted out laughing, "Excuse me," she said to Noa before grabbing Kaari and pulled her to the side.

Amused, Ary decided to take the lead, "Quick question... is it safe to participate if one of us is expecting?"

Looking around the ladies momentarily until his eyes landed on Ava, he smiled, "It's up to the mother."

"Well, my brother-in-law told her not to," Assyria gave Ava a knowing look.

"You should listen then," he chuckled just as Renae and Kaari returned.

"Um... where were we? Practicing right?"

"Correct," he glanced at Ava, "You're welcome to sit on the board if you want."

"What I miss?" Renae looked around confused.

"He said I couldn't surf."

"Oh," Renae pursed her lips and stared at her for a moment, "What did Lucky say? You're really supposed to be inside right?"

"Yeah," she mumbled, "I won't be doing much out here tho, just floating."

Noa stared at her for a moment, "I'll shadow you once I get them started."

"Mm," Kaari lowered her shades some, pursed her lips then walked toward the longboards.

Amused at her niece, Ary laughed to herself as she followed behind Kaari. Noa ran down the details to Renae and Ava as Assyria followed close behind, humming to herself while Reign headed towards the mini shop to buy the proper swimwear.

An hour and many failed attempts later, the ladies were able to ride the waves without Noa's help while he swam alongside Ava, pushing the longboard.

"Men really are attracted to pregnant women, huh?" Assyria whispered to Renae as she watched the way Noa was acting with Ava.

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