Chapter 63.) Hands Tied

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It was October 18th, two weeks until Halloween and the young kids were counting down the days. Adults were figuring out last-minute costume ideas and trying to binge-watch every Halloween movie that came on. The weather was cooler than usual with a dark blue hue decorating the evening sky. There was a full moon out and most would say that's when the crazies came out.

There was a lingering scent of cinnamon and ginger in the air. The deep ocean waves created a rhythmic tone that could calm anxious thoughts. Halloween was two weeks away and Ava wanted to make sure that everything went as planned. She was hosting a party and knew that every possible thing to go wrong could happen but her faith was more substantial than her doubts.

Ava wasn't quite sure what time it was when she woke up. Her lucid dreams and scratchy throat got the best of her and had her roaming the quiet halls as she rubbed her belly. Baby Zora seemed to be a busybody which was a little peculiar to Ava. She's been sleeping during the nights with little movements but tonight she was wide awake in the womb.

It's the full moon, Ava thought as she made her way towards the stairs.

"I wonder if vampires are real?" She mumbled, entering the dim kitchen.

If they are, I'm sure they're ugly, she laughed at the thought.

"Lord I'm talking to myself... stop it," she huffed.

Washing her hands, she made her way towards the fridge and pulled out her container of pineapple spears and the tajín seasoning.

Sitting at the island, she mumbled the lyrics to Tamar Braxton's I Love You while she ate. For the last two weeks, she's been anxious and jumpy. Sometimes restless and maybe a little paranoid but who was keeping track? Was it anything to tell Lucky? She wasn't sure. Was it weird that she's been feeling off for two weeks? Maybe but maybe it was just an unknown hormonal side effect. She wasn't sure but things felt a lot safer whenever she blamed it on the pregnancy.

Possibly it was all in her head. Perhaps Dr. Abara missed something in her tests because the nightmares were back. Or maybe she was just stressed out. What was there to be stressed about? She had no clue. Maybe she did. She was going to be a first-time mom. In couples therapy to sort out multiple issues all the while trying to figure out if her anger towards her sister was even worth it anymore.

Reign was supposed to be her best friend. They did business together for crying out loud. But even before that, they had a pretty tight bond. What happened? Reign was different. Maybe something's always been off about her but Ava never noticed. All of the Stone kids had some kind of issue, right? But why would Reign go after Lucky? Her excuses didn't make a lick of sense or did it?

Her husband was absent. She was raising their daughter alone until Lucky stepped in. But was that a good reason for Reign to make a move? Not at all.

Ava sighed.

She loved Reign. She was her sister but could she ever trust her? Not a chance. Could the two share the same space? On Ava's part, she wouldn't care but it was apparent Reign always seemed to be uncomfortable. Why did she deserve to feel uncomfortable when she initiated the kiss? She acted off of feelings yet she was allowed to feel uncomfortable in Ava's presence? Says who?

Confusing, Ava thought as she gazed out the window.

She was supposed to be happy now. She was engaged. A businesswoman and soon-to-mother. Her life was far from perfect but she had it good; they all did. But she was anxious. Extremely anxious. That wasn't normal, was it? Ava wasn't sure.

From a medical perspective, that would be a problem but given all that her family has been through and her recent traumatic experiences, maybe the nerves were valid. But therapy was supposed to be helping. It was but her spirit was weary. She felt off-key. Unbalanced. Perhaps it was lack of sleep. Maybe she was overwhelmed.

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