Chapter 17.) Selfless

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The next day was a bit standoffish for Ava. Lucky didn't mention anything about last night. He didn't even seem as if he remembered what happened and she was scared to bring it up. Sitting on the carpet with her back against the bed, Ava played with Ace as he jumped between her legs trying to get his chew toy from her.

Her mood today was a lot better than usual but she was still hiding. Her scars on her face were healing, she still had bruisings on her arms, scratches on her legs, and the flashbacks often crept upon her. But she was pushing through as best she could. After all, Lucky said that he loved her. At least she hoped he did.

Ace's barking cut into her daze and she looked down at him. Whining, he moved towards her and nuzzled his head against her stomach before licking her face.

Ava smiled softly, rubbing his belly, "You're getting big, you know dat?"

Ace barked.

"You're my best friend now," she wrapped her arm around him and scratched at his ears.

Laughing at his excitement, she gave him the chew toy then looked around. "Where's Luck?"

Barking, the puppy ran out.

Going to stand, there was a stabbing pain that shot through her side and she winced, falling over. "Oh no..."

"Babygirl?" Lucky called, entering the room with Ace and Neela right behind.

"Luck," she curled into a ball, "please help."

"Av— shit," dropping her food onto the bed, Lucky rushed over, "What happened?"

"I don't know," she cried, "my sideeee!"

Ace came over barking and Neela stood in the back peeking.

"Let me see," Lucky tried not to panic as he lifted her shirt and noticed the blood. "Your stitches opened... hold up," he looked around before rushing into the bathroom.

Concerned, Ace tried to lift Ava's head with his but she wouldn't stay up.

Neela walked over slowly and patted Ava's face, "It's ok TiTi,"

"Lil mama, go downstairs for me," Lucky told her as he returned with towels and a first aid kit.

"Her hurt Wucky?"

"It's a booboo," he replied, then glanced at Ace, "back."

Barking softly, he stayed neared Ava.

"Stubborn ass," shaking his head, Lucky glanced up as he heard footsteps.

Kaari walked in with Omari enjoying the breakfast Lucky cooked. "Where's mi sister?"

"Down here... can you grab her?" He nodded towards Neela before pouring alcohol over his hands.

"Stinka butt, come on."

Neela stared at Lucky briefly before running towards her aunt, "TiTi hurt."

"She's ok," Kaari picked her up and followed behind Omari.

"What are yo— OUCHHHH!" Ava screamed, going to push his hand away when she felt the needle but Lucky stopped her.

"I'm sorry... keep still," he said.

"Don't... I'm gonna faint," she cried.

"Move man!" He snapped at Ace. He didn't mean to yell but he was stressed the hell out and Ace wasn't helping the situation.

"I'll be quick," he told her, "Just breathe for me."

Closing her eyes, she balled her lips and tried to prepare herself but ended up losing it the moment he resumed.

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