Chapter 43.) Birthday Blues? Pt. 1

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"If you don't get out my face," Ava laughed, trying to push Lucky away from her as she folded the clothes.

"You still mad about yesterday?" He smirked, smacking her thigh.

"None ya business."

Chuckling, he laid beside her and watched her until she put the clothes away. Acting as if he wasn't there, Ava waddled into the bathroom. Amused, Lucky got up and followed her.

Catching her at the sink while she was in the process of opening her face moisturizer, he walked up behind her and rubbed her stomach, "Talk to me," he spoke softly against her neck.

"I did," she ignored him tongue kissing her neck as she massaged the rosehip oil into her face.

"No you didn't," he pressed her ass against his bulge as he bit down on her shoulder.

Biting down on her lip, she closed her eyes, "Stop... lying."

"You stop lying," he laughed, staring at her through the mirror as he massaged her breasts.

Sucking in a sharp breath, she melted against him, "Ramsee," she purred.

"I know," he lifted her blouse and pushed himself inside of her.

"Jesus!" She screeched, gripping the edge of the sink and lowering her head.

Biting down on his lip, Lucky moved skillfully inside her as he rubbed her slit sensually.

"Ramseeee," she cried out, "Wait... hold on," she pressed her hand against his and halted his movements.

Waiting for it, Lucky ceased his strokes and watched as her body shuddered as her warmth blanketed his hand.

Sighing, Ava removed her hand and Lucky resumed his mission.


The smell of honey and soul food pulled Lucky from his deep slumber. Feeling around for Ava, he opened his eyes when he realized he was alone. Sitting up in bed, having no memory of going back into the room after their incredible session on the balcony, he ran his hands down his face and sighed deeply. He had a dream about his mom and wasn't sure what to make of it.

She told him that she was proud of him and happy that he found his special person. But there was something that made him apprehensive. She mentioned loss but didn't say who or what. Before he could ask, she faded away.

Forcing himself up, Lucky headed into the bathroom to empty his bladder. Hopping into the shower to wake himself up and clear his mind, he washed his face before stepping out. The smell of barbecue filled his nose and his stomach growled.

Ava was down there cooking, he was certain.

Throwing on some jogger shorts, he made his way out the room and down the long hall before running downstairs. Ace was running around outside and Ava was dressed in an oversized dress shirt as she hummed to herself while fixing Lucky's plate.

Smiling lovingly at the sight, Lucky made himself known and wrapped his arms around her. "Everything ok?"

"Yes," she flashed a smile, "I wanted to cook, sit down."

Tightening his hold, he rubbed her stomach before stepping back. Sitting at the island, he watched as she moved around as if she were trying to remember things before she set the plate in front of him. There were ribs, baked beans, cheese broccoli, dirty rice, and honey butter rolls, that were homemade. Lucky was astounded.

"How long was I out?"

"It's nighttime," she snickered, fixing her plate.

Pulling her onto his lap before she could sit, he placed a kiss on her forehead, "Thank you."

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