Chapter 21.) The Warning

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"So... yuh wanna tell mi what in yur right mind possessed yuh to mek a pass at mi damn sister?" Kaari glared at Daewon as she sat across from him in the living room while Omari worked on his ABCs with Neela.

It was May the 11th, the sun was high, birds were flying around and chirping, and spring was in the air. To keep her mind free of doubts and worry, Kaari kept herself busy by handling business online, checking in on Ava's store, and making sure Omari and Neela were keeping up to date with their numbers and sentences. But while she was playing with them, Daewon waltz inside the house and attempted to joke with her as if things were all good in the hood, but Kaari had a bone to pick with him.

"We about to get into this again? I told y'all I was drunk," he stressed.

"Yuh knew exactly wah yuh were doing, don't even try dah shit with mi."

Daewon sucked his teeth, "That was a mistake, but I'm not about to sit here and lie as if your sister ain't fine."

Kaari cocked her head and furrowed her brows, "And because yuh chose fine, dah tells mi all dah I need to know."

Daewon frowned, "Kaari what the fuck you saying?"

"If yuh really wanted to pursue her, yuh would ave said gorgeous or pretty, or some other smart shit, yuh said fine, because all yuh wanted to do was see if yuh could sleep with her!"

"Man..." he sucked his teeth, "I ain't say that."

"I know yuh!" she whispered-harshly, "Yuh ain't fucking slick. Yuh been making passes at her for years and tink I ain't noticed? How many ways does a person ave to let yo ass down, eh? Yuh had to wait until she was fucking distraught to bust a move? Kaaz yuh know damn well if Lucky was around or if she was dating somebody else, yuh would ave not tried it, kaaz she would ave ripped yur fucking head off!"

"Stop talking to me like I'm so damn weirdo, I wasn't gonna take advantage of her,"

"Yuh serious right now?" she laughed, "Did yuh not tell us di story? Had Mir not walked in, yuh would have forced yurself on her, yuh tink mi stupid?"

Sighing, he leaned into the cushion, "Kaari I wasn't gon' do no shit like that. I tried to apologize to her the day after."

"So yuh knew what yuh did was wrong!" her voice rose but she calmed down when the kids glanced in their direction, "Yuh was fucking guilty kaaz yuh knew, so don't try to pull no wool over mi eyes. Yuh lucky I don't condone abuse or else I'd kick yur ass myself."

"Anyways," he dismissed her, "How she holding up?"

Kaari glared at him, "She's none of yur damn business. Yuh need Lucky to swell yo other eye up? I'll call him," she grabbed her phone.

"Tweaking," he grabbed the TV remote, "Y'all acting like dudes weren't gonna approach either of 'em. But I guess since it's me, I ain't good enough, huh?"

"Bwoyyyyyy," she laughed wickedly as she crossed her right leg over the left, "Dae, yuh better get out mi face."

"Nah," he stared at her, "That's what it is right? I ain't hood enough? I ain't kill enough people to fit in?"

"Whew!" she pointed up before standing, "Work on mi Lord, I feel ya," she laughed again before walking away.

Shaking his head, he glanced at the kids as they stared at him suspiciously, "What y'all want?"

"Yuh made her mad?" Neela squinted at him, "Mi tell Wucky," she stood.

"Girl," he laughed, grabbing her before she could grab his phone, "You supposed to be my friend."

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