Chapter 31.) Bleeding Love or Trust?

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It was day 11 of the vacation. The family took the jet back on the 13th to make it in for Dante's graduation. After the ceremony and pictures, they celebrated with dinner near the water. It was June 16th, King left Daewon and Tamir no choice but to stay back in Virginia while the rest of the family flew back to Hawaii.

Tension was still on a high between Ava and Reign, and the family discreetly realized that this might've been the angriest they saw Ava. Yeah, she had her moments when she would set things straight or came off as disrespectful to those who may have needed a good talking to from an adult, but the beef that was brewing between the sisters was something out of this world.

Two days after the confession, Reign tried to apologize to Ava again during breakfast but received yogurt and hot oatmeal to the face. It took every nerve in Reign's body for her not to put her hands on her little sister the way she wanted. She understood what she did was out of line or beyond disrespectful, but she wasn't going to keep trying to apologize just to get attacked.

But, she let it rock. If Ava still had the same energy after her pregnancy then she wouldn't mind getting a fair one with her. Did she feel bad about lying on Lucky to lessen the blow? Yeah, but she figured it would have made the situation a little easier on her if he caught the heat.

She was wrong.

If she were honest, she'd say that this may have been the angriest her parents had ever been with her. Even Assyria was giving her odd looks in passing.

For Assyria, she felt as if Reign consciously broke code because her situation with Shawn was the excuse she planned to run with before she even thought to make her first pass. If Assyria were being fair, that was dumb on her part and scandalous. The moment Lucky was introduced to the family was the moment that everyone took a claim on him.

Whether it was future son-in-law, future brother-in-law, or friend, the moment Ava brought him around, anything outside of family and respect was out the door. So how did that skip over Reign's head? Not to mention that everyone knew how Ava felt about dating and men. Allowing Lucky into her life was hard as is but to bring him around the family and have everyone take a liking to him, sealed the deal.

That was until Reign decided to bust a move. Assyria had no idea and no longer wanted to figure it out. But was Reign wrong? Absolutely. To Assyria, Reign's reasoning sounded exactly like this, your husband wasn't giving you tha' attention you needed, so you took our in-law's adoration for Neela as a way to become attracted to him? Those were words that Assyria said to her older sister and didn't care how much it offended her.

Hell, she had her issues with Ava but she would have never tried to bust a move on Lucky. Not even saying that it's obvious he would have denied her but it was a simple fact that that was nasty. Simply, nasty. There was no other way to explain it. It was foul. But whereas everyone had questions and tried to put together some form of excuse for Reign, Ava had another person that deserved her wrath; Kaari.

Was she just as bad as Reign? No, but she knew and kept it a secret and continuously tried to make Lucky feel bad for not speaking to Reign, even after he went to her about the kiss. Did Lucky feel to blame for not telling Ava about the kiss? He did, but it caught him off guard and he honestly did not want to be the cause of siblings fighting. If the pair were friends, he would have said something off the bat, but things became a bit sticky for him because of blood relations.

Ava understood where he was coming from, although she still would have liked to hear it from him before her sister, that still didn't help Kaari's role she played. Outside of Lucky, at least she should have told her, yet she kept it to herself and came around as if she had no idea what her twin had done and probably planned to do since Lucky never said anything.

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